My Dad's Schnauzer has Cushings disease

My Dad is so upset because his 12 year old Schnauzer has been diagnosed with Cushings disease and pancreatitis. Peggy Sue was my Mom's dog and I think if she passes that my Dad will lose his last reminder of Mom who died in 2004. I have done some internet research and it seems to be treatable. Has anyone had any experience with these diseases? He also is having trouble getting her to eat the prescription diet that the vet gave her. The vet put her on ID. Dad always gave her lots and lots of people food and now the vet says she can have absolutely no people food. I think my Dad is about to give in and give her people food. I have told him that that would be the worst thing he could do. Will a dog absolutely refuse to eat even if they are hungry because they don't want what they are given?

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Comment by Kristen on September 10, 2008 at 12:14pm
Check in with MyCorgi member Penny Spencer--terrific lady. She has an Akita with Cushings disease and has been trying a few different therapies. So sorry about your dad's dog. It is not curable, but there are so many things you can do to prolong and add value to their lives. Good luck!
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on September 10, 2008 at 10:04am
Dogs will eventually eat when they get hungry, that has been my findings. I'm having problems with my corgi/chow mix right now doing the same thing. I think it all started about 2 months ago, when she had an infection. She is a nibbler when it comes to food, would rather have her food in a bowl and nibble all day long (which is why Duncan is so overweight). She had to take her pill with food so as to not upset her stomach. To do that, I made her chicken and rice to eat before her pill.
Now, she doesn't want to eat her food when I put it down. I did the 15 minutes then off the floor until the next feeding, and she would usually only go a day without eating.
Since she had a tumor removed, and we found out it was cancerous, I don't like for her to go pass one feeding. So, I started putting a couple of tablespoon of rice that has been cooked in chicken broth, or when my husband makes hamburgers in the George Forman, I will take that grease and add it to the water I cook the rice in.
So, maybe, if your dad cooks some rice, and adds only about 2 tablespoons to the food, she might eat. But, ask the vet first.

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