Owen has been weird this week. It is a week that has made me very thankful for this website! He turned 4 months on Sunday. He lost a few teeth recently (hilarious- two front teeth on the top AND the bottom) so he looks a little funny. Our schedules have been weird but twice he put himself to bed at the end of the night. Walks have happened at different times of the day and goodness knows our stubborn little boy is confused by that. However work has just forced us to have this weird schedule.

So he has been extra bitey, extra barky, extra with the leash wrestling (to the point that I put a bit of tobasco sauce on it- with water on hand). He really has been an all around pain despite long walks and decent play times and ample toys. Still encouraged and still love him.. this is why God made them freaking adorable right? So I'm buying a spray bottle tonight because all of the other things we have tried seem to just encourage the biting more- which is currently the most annoying habit. I promise to fill it with ice cold water :) But the methods we have tried: Ow! that stopped the behavior for about 1.5 weeks, then the problem magically went away for almost a month, then flicking the nose - never worked, holding his mouth/no bite - about 2 weeks. In between Ow! and flicking the nose was a beautiful period though.

So good news, love the little pup.. glad he isn't a (insert ugly breed here-don't want to offend anyone).

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Comment by Corey & Holly's Mom on September 11, 2008 at 9:57pm
I have found the spray bottle method to work great but remember you need to be consistent with it. It does not hurt the dog, they just get a little wet. Let me know how it works out for you!

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