Do I need to expect a lifetime of a stubborn corgi? Ein is a little over 6 months and he has just been terrible lately! We got him neutered last week so we thought he would mellow out a bit after it. However, since he has been neutered we are unable to take him to the dog park or the doggy day care, because he can't get his stiches wet and it is harder to monitor him at those places. So, it seems he has bundles of energy but he just doesn't use it appropriately. He gets a 1/2 mile walk in the morning before we leave for work. Then he is locked in the kitchen during the day. As soon as I come home I take him for a 1 1/2 mile walk. But, he just doesn't get tired at home. He will continuely bite us (yelping "Ow!" doesn't seem to work), steal the remote, bite our shoelaces, chew on clothes, rip up kleenex.. do I need to go on? He can be such a good boy, he knows some commands very well, but he seems to have selective hearing when we use "Leave it" or "Drop it". I know that a tired puppy is a good puppy, but since we can't take him to the dog park or anything like that, he is driving us crazy. Any ideas on how we can get him to stop biting or leave our clothes alone would be most appreciated.

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Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on September 12, 2008 at 9:47am
Sounds like my Duncan when he can't get out during the rainy season as much as he likes. Not because we can't take him, he refuses to go out in the rain unless he has too. Too much pent up energy. Play hide and seek, or get him an activity ball; one where you put kibbles in it, let him roll it around on the floor, and the dropped kibble is his reward. Take my advice though....get one that is big enough not to roll under the furnitue. Duncan had a small one a friend got, and he was constantly rolling it under the couch of computer desk where he couldn't get it. I spent just as much time with it as he did.

He may be going through the "teenage years" if he is around 7-8 months old. It's like they have never learned anything or hear a thing you are saying. The rebellious teenager comes out to test you.

The biting part, if the loud OW! and being ignored after that isn't working.....bring out the spray bottle. He bites, spray him in the face and say NO! loud at him. Of course, only water. I think I had a small bottle in every room and one on my belt loop during Duncan's teenage months...LOL!
Comment by Jenni & Dave Fields on September 12, 2008 at 9:42am
Not to worry.....spencer has done all the things you said Ein is doing. It takes a while for them to calm down after their surgery...this is their rebellious will get better. Spence is now 8 months old and has calmed down a bit.

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