How exciting...?!

We have to take our other dog, Kujo, to the vet tomorrow for a good claw clipping. She has some disorder that causes the nerves to seperate from the outside cover. So, she has to go in for annual claw clippings. We've decided to take Jack to the vet as well. His first trip! He has to get a puppy check up and a couple of shots. I just know he's going to love it. :/

Does anyone have tips for helping him actually enjoy the visit? We love our vet, he's very good with our big dog, and she likes him. Which is amazing. Kujo was abused when she was just a baby. We adopted her from a shelter when she was 8 weeks old. She's seven now, still quite skiddish at times and absolutely hates the vet! I really don't want Jack to be like that. So any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Comment by Mister Jack on September 26, 2008 at 2:57pm
He never really needed to go to the vet. The breeder gave him all his shots that he needed until 4 months of age, and we just had his claws clipped at PetsMart. :3
Comment by Kelly on September 26, 2008 at 9:58am
He hasn't been to the vet since you got him? Any reason? Just wondering :)

I would bring some of his favorite treats and a toy. The toy is good for when you two are waiting alone in the exam room. If he's anything like Gibson though, he'll love the attention that he's getting from everyone there, so the experience won't be all bad. Good luck!
Comment by Madog on September 26, 2008 at 7:27am
Madog's first trip to the vet was just to be bragged on and get non-invasive work done. The second trip he got the shots. Seemed to work just fine. Also helps that we all sit crossed-legged on the floor during the exam.
Comment by Sarah C. on September 25, 2008 at 8:55pm
My vet does this cool thing where they put rugs on the exam tables so that they're something the dogs can really grip with their feet. Maybe bring a towel?

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