How different each new puppy is.

I also seem to have forgotten that everything chewable must be lifted out of mouth range and put somewhere else out of said mouth range, otherwise, you're in for some surprises. Like, the sort of surprises when the puppy comes dragging your underwear out from the dirty clothes to hand it off to a guest, or where it tears apart a feather-stuffed futon in an effort to bury a bone for later.

(Nah, he hasn't done that yet. I have to at least tip my hat to my old Shepherd, Ali, who was the dog-master of this sort of thing. We used to tell each other that we'd turn her into a rug when she reached the amount of damage that we paid for her... but she managed to escape that fate through the sheer amount of stories she left us with to make people stare at us wide-eyed and go "Are you serious?"

Yep. We'll top it off with the five pound freezer-burned roast that she snuck out of the garbage while my husband was spring cleaning. Did you know that a slab of rotten meat tucked under your bed for safe-keeping is one of those smells you never forget? I think it was still there years later when I pulled up all the carpets and put down Pergo.)

Really, though, this is about the new pup. He just arrived here Wed. after a cross country flight from his breeder. (Who I can't say enough nice things about. Fantastic lady.) He got here safe and sound, in a perfectly dry crate, totally happy, wagging his tail. He's gorgeous and well-socialized, no fear about anything, he just takes it all in stride. We got to the car, he met his new big brothers (Riley and Gabe) and everyone sniffed and settled right down. He's very well behaved with dogs, people and even the cats.

I'm a little at a loss as to how I'm going to do with all my free time, though. She also mostly housebroke him, and lead-trained him. He sleeps all night in his crate, totally happy to be there. As I'm lying there in bed and sleeping in and it's pouring rain outside at four in the morning, I greatly appreciate this, whoo.

I will say that already I am learning that there is a huge difference in personality between the Cardis and the Pems. Truly, I will agree with the comment that the Cardi is closer to a good German Shepherd in how they react to situations.

His show name is "Motley Blue" - his breeder chose it, and I think it's rather clever, myself.

Still stuck on a call name, though... have no idea what we're going to call him. Matt's leaning towards Ronin, which I like a lot, and it may stick...

Any ideas, throw them our way! If we use it, I'll send you a free CorgiLogo T-shirt from the shop, haha. ;)

Views: 28


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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on October 7, 2008 at 12:03am
Do you like any of these names: Dakota, Merlin or Mozart.......???
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on October 6, 2008 at 11:53pm
Love the ears and blue eyes!! The picture on your main page where the puppy is running and you see him from the side really reminded me of Lance as a puppy, they look like they could be related!
Congratulations on your beautiful new addition.
Comment by Shepdog on October 5, 2008 at 6:25pm
Ha, I love the name Ty, but it's my brother's name. It would make family reunions very confusing... *grin*
Comment by Kelly on October 5, 2008 at 5:22pm
I actually like Motley :) He's so cute
Comment by Carmen on October 5, 2008 at 5:16pm
Wow, look at those eyes! What a handsome puppy! I am jealous! I do like Ronin. Have fun with your new addition!

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