Hey everyone we are doing ok. I am trying to put my thoughts on paper and possibly write a book one day about coping with pet loss because there is not that many good books out there to read. It is disappointing. Sorry if I miss spell words I have my glasses off to rest my eyes and I have trouble seeing the keys lol I'm only 22 oh well anyways...My boss came to work today with flowers for me because she knew how much Riley meant to us! That was so sweet! I'm so glad that some people realize that animals mean so much, they are more than just a dog or cat. Kira my kitty has been doing a good job on keeping me company when I'm sad. If I cry she is right by my side giving me kisses or rubbing on me letting me know she is there. My other kitty Sadie is not as friendly but she comes around as well. If it wasn;t for all the support on here and my furry friends I don;t think I could have made it. THANKS EVERYONE! It means everything to us.
I am having a necklace made of a photo of Riley. I am etching the photo into a silver charm. That way he can always be with me wherever I go and that will help me I believe. Please continue to pray for us because this is a daily battle to fight away the tears but all in all 2 weeks after this horrible event I think my family is doing really well! The necklace I am having made is being made at walmart. The lady at the counter was so sweet. She started crying when she talked about the loss of her dog this past January. It is so nice to know that other people have been in this place and have made it through. Things are so weird though when I go to visit my parents and no one greets me at the door..I still catch myself looking for him when I come over there. Then I realize he isn't there...This is all still so new and yet it feels as if its been an eternity...At least we can rest assure that he is in a better place with many other pets and is having a blast chasing and playing in the clouds.

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