Today I received Riley's ashes and they came in a beautiful box and a velvet bag that said "One day we shall meet again over the rainbow bridge"I thought I was doing better but this is hard, at least he is still with me in a way. I dedicated a shelf to him in my cabinet that displays photos, his favorite toys, and of course..him.
It was neat though as I came home my parents called to say there was a rainbow in the sky..I thought that was perfect timing. It was like his final goodbye "I am still with you and I am happy where I am"Oh I miss him so much, this is the first actually loss I have ever experienced. My grandpa died when I was too young and since then..no one until him. At least I know the pain is easing and one day I hope it can be totally replaced by love and happy thoughts. Until then "Rest in peace my beloved Riley, I will forever miss you and I will always love you. Please know if I ever get another dog it will never replace you."
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