Heard from the breeder today and found out that our little guy has been started on soft food. And is a weany. LOL Poor guy he is the only boy with two sisters, like he had a chance. We voted last night and decided that his name is Taz. Sounds like it may be one of those cases where the name is the total opposite of the dog. But oh well. The name went on the stocking so it is offical now. Hopefully we will get some pictures in the next day or two and finally get to see what he looks like. I don't know if we will be able to bring him home for Christmas but he will be here for New Years for sure. We can't wait.

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Comment by Lisa on December 1, 2008 at 8:06pm
I agree with Debbie. Our last puppy is named Rowdy and I could not believe that the name would ever fit. Well a year later this month and I wish sometimes we had picked a different name! He has totally grown into it and is definitely rough and rowdy almost 24 hours a day! Now you can tell by looking at Charlie's picture what he's all about. He is now my angel baby and Rowdy is the devil dog.
Comment by Laura Jones on December 1, 2008 at 3:45pm
We have his half sister and she has her taz moments which is why we thought Taz was an appropriate name for a corgi.

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