I was sitting in bed last night enjoying Private Practice when I hear noises out in the kitchen. Thinking that KC is trying to climb into the garbage can again, I quietly tip toe down the hallway and turn on the light. KC is laying under the Christmas tree.....with her nose in the brand new bag of treats I had bought her yesterday. Literally had taken two out when we were running through some commands yesterday, and there are now three left out of a 7oz. package. Boy did she know she was in trouble...she didn't even attempt to run, she just rolled over onto her back with her "you can't be mad at me, look how cute I am" look. In order to get the bag of treats she had to jump onto the computer desk via the chair. Anyway, back to the guilty corgi......I picked her up told her "no and that she was a bad girl" during which time she made a satisfied burping noise and refused to look at me. I took her back and put her on the bed and told her to go to sleep. When I crawled back into bed, she stealthy crawls up the bed into her favorite spot between my husband and I and layed down with her head on my shoulder and a tentative lick on the neck like "come on mom, you can't stay mad at me".
My show gets over, I decide it is time to go to sleep and just start dozing off when I hear this scratching noise. I made a few comments about how that dog was going to drive me nuts and got out of bed again. As I start down the hallway I realize the sounds are coming from the kid's bathroom. I orignially thougth that maybe Trooper had locked them in my daughter's room like he is prone to do and wanted out. No, KC is sitting in the bath tub. Which first of all is not her favorite place to be, usually she avoids the bathrooms at all cost. Secondly we have jacuzzi tubs in our house so they are deeper then most bathtubs and I have no idea how she got that short legged, long body in there. She was on her way out when I discovered her, it was pretty funny to see her high centered on the tub. She scrambled out the rest of the way, looked at me with one of her big corgi smiles, trots back into the bedroom, up on the bed and promptly falls asleep. Just to be sure I shut the bedroom door to make sure that any other shanigans are confined to the bedroom where she is within spray bottle reach.
Finally I got to go to sleep, and was doing good until the cat fell out of the window at 6:15 this morning. So another day in the madhouse we call home begins and I need to go ride herd on a little boy that needs to be dressed and ready for school in the next 20 minutes.

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Comment by Alla on December 11, 2008 at 2:19pm
What a funny story!!!
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on December 11, 2008 at 12:57pm
LOL that was great. Aren't they smart when they try the "look how cute I am" look to get away with mischief?
Comment by Lisa on December 11, 2008 at 12:09pm
love it :)
Comment by Worthington Natalia on December 11, 2008 at 11:50am
cute..."Cat fell out of the window" is my favorite part;)
Comment by Erica on December 11, 2008 at 10:56am
Wyatt is constantly trying to get into the trash, we put ours under the sink so its not seen but being the smart corgi he is, he is always trying to push the door in. Hes a brat. I love him.

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