The Ein and Phoenix have been through some pretty intense remediation in obedience training and it seems that they've gotten over the very nasty phase of fighting. They still get into little tiffs every now and then but they seem to be working it out like normal dogs. Over Thanksgiving they had a lot of exercise at my parents farm and bonding time for them to work as a team. Mostly to try and chase cows and kitties. It's their job; grandma can't really get mad.

When we got back from Thanksgiving, the dogs were tired but it did them some good to have lots of "just them" together time in a strange environment so that they had to look to each other to be brave and be adventurous. Now they are back to frapping a little bit in the house and playing with toys together and eating together (sometimes). Ein will still go through some little "oh I'm too scared I'm gonna stay in my crate" times when it's dinner or go outside to potty. Because of his fearfulness, I just let him come out on his own. The behavior people in Tulsa said the fights probably resulted from all the stress and change that we've had over the past year. I don't want to get anything stirred up again in this time of peace.

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Comment by Sam on November 28, 2007 at 9:34pm
Glad they are working out some of their differences. I would highly recommend that you feed them separately. Food and valued toys/treats seem to be the start of many spats with corgis. Hope you are also able to continue the energy outlet. A tired dog is a good dog.
Comment by Corgi Mom on November 28, 2007 at 7:33pm
Thanks for the update! Glad that they're getting along better.
Comment by Marylynn on November 28, 2007 at 10:38am
I'm so glad to hear that things are getting better!

Like you mentioned, its important to remember that stress can affect animals in the same ways that it affects humans. From siblings fighting to a couple divorcing, the effects of stress are most often evident in our relationships with other people. It makes sense that our "furry children" would react the same way. =)
Comment by Sam Tsang on November 28, 2007 at 9:19am
YAY! Great progress! Thanks for the update :)

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