What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Will Ferrell! Find out at Dogster.com

Wow, your dog is Will Ferrell!

Will Ferrell

The Comedian

Keeping a straight face around Winston is a cheek muscle-wrenching nightmare. Try as you may, but giggling is inevitable because Winston is comedian Will Ferrell!

For a while Winston was just funny on Saturday nights, but that's all changed now that he's taken his act on the road. Whether he's being silly in real life or on the silver screen, Winston has a true knack for making people crack up. Winston has even managed to make the crossover to the cyberwebs, where he delivers raw, fresh, uncooked humor to his countless cyberpet fans. A fast runner, Winston runs marathons when he's not dreaming up his next slapstick routine. Widely talented and able to impetsonate any number of two and four-legged critters, Winston's fans will be lapping it up for a long time to come.

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Comment by Lauren + Winston on March 25, 2009 at 1:14pm
hahahaha the description they gave winston was right on target... he is such a ham. i never knew that website existed lol
Comment by Susan Stanton on March 25, 2009 at 9:32am
Too funny! Bertie Wooster turned out to be Al Gore, so he now barks whenever he sees a hanging chad and is preparing his State of the Union speech in case he ever wins an election. And Ethel, who will now only answer to "Madonna," want me to hire her a personal assistant. Maybe this test wasn't the best thing to do...lol

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