Winston's the best dog ever!... When it comes to the vet.

So Winston's has this hot spot for a few months now... He was first on antihistamines for a while and they would stop the itching temporarily but he was still itching once we ran out. I took him back to the vet today and told them the dealio and they gave him some more antihistamines and also gave him a shot.. And he was such a good boy during the shot. I was so proud! He didn't even flinch.. I knew he hated it but he didn't bark, bite, try to get away, anything! The vet was surprised, he said most Corgis he sees will try to bite or get away.. He even gave Winston a hug afterwards.. It was very sweet. So I took Winston with me and his dad to get some Rita's Italian Ice since he was such a good boy!


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Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 21, 2009 at 11:00pm
Way to go Winston!
Comment by Lisa on March 21, 2009 at 10:50am
Have you tried gold bond powder on Winston? That always helps Charlie's hotspots heal faster than anything else we have tried. I used to have chow chows and they are very prone to hotspots and gold bond worked for them as well. We hope Winston feels better soon.
Comment by Betty on March 21, 2009 at 9:43am
Bear had a hot spot she was always scratching. My grandmother told me to mix vaseline and Flower of Sulfur equally (I think it's spelled flower,anyway it's a yellow sulfur power from the drug store) and apply it daily. Cover with bandage because it will rub off otherwise. Within two weeks it was gone and she never got it back. Also works on humans for bedsores,poison ivy and other itches. Hope it works!
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on March 21, 2009 at 1:26am
Way to go Winston!! : ) Good Boy!!

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