As you can see by the photos on my home page, Cyberfox is confined to a K-9 cart in order to make his life more enjoyable. This, however, does'nt deter him from playing his favorite game. We affectionately call the game'greased pig'. The 'game' involves three willing participants. One participant to run and hide, one to to be the 'greased pig'(Cyberfox's role) and the third to hold their hands over the eyes of the 'greased pig' while participant #2 finds a good hiding place. As soon as the hands cover the 'greased pig's' eyes, he starts barking and howling with anticipation. As soon as the prey has become well hidden, the person holding the 'greased pig' releases him and yells at the top of his or her voice,"GGGGRRREEEAASSSEEEDDDD PPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGG!!"

At this point, Cyberfox digs in with all fours ripping up grass with debris flying everywhere with his nose to the ground searching out his intended victim. Within seconds, he finds his prey and starts barking as if to say,"ha ha I found you." Then he spins around, facing away from the 'caught prey' so they can now cover his eyes so he can search out the next victim. We play this game until we get tired as he would never quit.

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Comment by Sam Tsang on January 28, 2008 at 9:17am
That is awesome :) I'm glad he's getting use to the cart.

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