Walking on a leash without pulling...I feel like we have tried everything

Trying to walk Lance on a leash can be a challenge, if he is already not worn out. He thinks everyone should say hello to him. We have two dogs Lance plays with, so when we go for a walk towards their house he automatically thinks he is going over there to play and pulls me there. I have tried making him sit and wait until he doesnt pull but that doesnt work. I have tried turning him around to walk in the opposite direction and then go back the way we were waling. I use a regluar leash not a retractable leash. Do you think I need to use a harness?

Lance just gets so excited to see everyone and of course then he barks his head off like hey look at me!!

Anyone have any suggestions on how to correct this behavior? Lance is 2 1/2 years old as well.

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Comment by Jenni & Dave Fields on September 30, 2008 at 4:41pm
I bought a harness for spencer and it was like a miracle...I had to keep looking down at him to make sure it was the same dog!
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 30, 2008 at 4:06pm
Thanks for the idea Amanda, Lance is doing great now compared to when we first started.
Comment by Manda and Chloe on September 30, 2008 at 3:45pm
try using a head collar with him. my mom uses one on her border collie and it has worked great to stop his pulling. he pulled everyone but me and after i moved out i didnt walk him anymore but since she started using a head collar with him my 14 yr. sister can now walk him by herself.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 30, 2008 at 3:28pm
UPDATE: Lance has gotten much better walking without pulling, he still will some but is getting much better. When we start our walk I do not walk unless he is completely calm and not pulling. We spent alot of time walking.....stopping....etc,etc. I dont give him much leash I hold onto as much leash as I can and that seems to help as well. We also practiced walking and turning around in the other direction and that has helped, now all I need to do when he starts pulling is give him the command turn around and he turns around and comes back to me, I dont need to turn around. I have taught my husband how to properly walk him also which helps with everyone being consistent. Thanks Everyone for your great advice!
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on July 18, 2008 at 7:35pm
Thanks everyone for your helpful suggestions! I have been using the start and stop method! It does work just takes time and patience. We have been practicing in front of the house. He is getting it. Once he really masters it then we can go for walks....yeah. If I only started this sooner. Well better late than never! :)
Comment by Katie on July 17, 2008 at 10:05pm
I have no idea how to stop the pulling. I do the stop and wait, I also try the Cesar Milan thing too. I notice that there is less pulling on the expando-leash, but that isn't always the best option. I also like the leather leash better than the nylon leash- I don't know why, but there is less pulling with the leather.

When I walk Molly and Tigger there is a lot of pulling, especially when there are other dogs around. I have recently started turning them away from that direction to redirect their attention on me. I will let you know how that works! HA!
Comment by Anne on July 9, 2008 at 1:55pm
By this point you probably have worked this out but I thought I would put my 2 cents in. We found that a 'Gentle leader Harness" medium size works great. Our dog does not pull but my parents pembroke corgi does and this works great on him. We use it after our cardigan who is fearful at times got out of her collar one day while my husband was walking her in a hotel parking lot. luckily she ran to our door and still not sure how she knew which door was ours. She can not get out of the harness and it stops them from pulling because the leash attaches across their breast and if they pull they turn into you. Give it a try. I had used the gentle leader on the head for our previous dog and did not find it helped, plus people think your dog is being muzzled sometimes.
Comment by Corey & Holly's Mom on June 21, 2008 at 7:39pm
I have found several techniques to be good. The first is a gentle leader until the get the hang of walking. Then while walking if they are pulling walk in the opposite direction that they are pulling you. I also make them stop when crossing the street by sitting. Don't give up keep walking your dog and eventually the problem will go away.....
Comment by Geri & Sidney on April 24, 2008 at 11:57pm
Charlie, you have such a comedic streak! My kids think I'm crazy (more than usual, anyway) because I'm cracking up at the computer!
Comment by Sam on April 24, 2008 at 10:18pm
Training isnt about looking normal or pretty....it is about being effective. Teaching for seven years at our local dog training facility proved that! I can tell you those that were persistant, consistant and kept going have dogs that are impressive.
If you have just returned home from working all day and your pup has been cooped up he just cant contain himself to walk well or to listen. If you have a fenced backyard take him and and play ball or frisbee, let him get the edge off....then go for a walk.
A harness will not be helpful for training. If you feel you need more than a buckle collar then try the gentle leader. It is most important that it fits properly and is used correctly. All training collars should only be used under total supervision toward your dog. Flexi-leads should never be used with them or when training a dog to walk appropriately.
When walking ask the friendly people to please not talk to your dog at that time as you are training right now. Most people are happy to comply.
I second the suggestion of a training class. Many times these folks can help you learn the different techniques that will be more useful for your dog. Remember energy release is the key. A tired dog is a good dog and often more then willing to learn.

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