Sitting in the front seat of the car?

This may well have been visited before, but I am trying to do the right thing, by getting some opinions.
I have a Volvo wagen. In the front the seats are separate with an arm rest in the middle.
Court likes to try to sit in my lap and look out the window, or have his hind legs on the
back seat and his front paws on the arm rest, of course during turns etc, he may lose his
footing....I bought a seat beat/leash for him: it's a leash that has a seat belt insert, that you
put into the car seat belt. It's adjustable, so right now he can sit and lie down but not
move about. What are your opinions of corgi's traveling in the car? I love to have him
in my lap or up front, but...? Thanks!

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Comment by Sam Tsang on April 27, 2008 at 8:27pm
hmm.... since I drive a manual, anything in my lap is not possible, also the middle console blocks me when i shift gears, so my dogs have learnt to either sit in the passenger sit or sleep in the foot well, whenever I stop the car, they climb up and look out the window. I have thought about those seat belt leash thingy that you mentioned, but i don't think those may help when a serious roll over accident occur, i think animals react to accidents much better than we humans do, just check out the cats :)

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