LONG visit and the puppies at last!

Well, we went on Sunday afternoon and spent 2 hours with them all. We have narrowed it down to three. I know...too many to choose from! They were all so adorable and so happy. My boys were in totally heaven. Outside we went and played and played. I took 10 million digtal photos and still can't decide!

Based on temperment they were all great! No one freaked when gently rolled on their backs (except one which was immediately eliminated) and they were all fine having their toes played with and their teeth inspected. All hung out with us for a long time and then ran to inspect the bushes and interesting smells which they have only seen two times before.

I have narrowed it down to 3 puppies and am going back with out family this time to see if one stands out more than the others. Wish me luck! It is so hard to choose and such a long term thing.

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Comment by Juel on April 29, 2008 at 12:01pm
How Exciting! Could you tell me a little bit on how you decided on a breeder, and what you would list as the most important thing to keep in mind and ask? Thanks for your time!
Comment by James on April 29, 2008 at 9:19am
Thats a good idea, the breeder(s) are a pretty good drive for me so I couldnt go back more than twice with work ect. If he doesnt do it himself (and it's rare) and you try to turn him over, it's like wrestling a catfish all the wiggling he does. Keep im mind that personality changes the minute they get comfortable at home!
Comment by Bridget on April 29, 2008 at 7:40am
I am going back tomorrow afternoon and we'll see what happens! They may have been having a "good" day! I will try taking them out separately and see what their personality is like.
Comment by James on April 28, 2008 at 9:06pm
Good luck puppy-picking, I have had my Cheese-ball home for a few days and he (and his littermates) hated to be flipped over. Those are some good-mannered pups.

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