Our first week with Eddy is almost over! That means he's not crying through the night and we are actually sleeping for a good chunk of time. But he is a real terror-ier during the day! I don't know what to do. He is super-hyper and mouthy (bite and bark), SO we concluded that we're not burning off enough of his energy throughout the day. After doubling and then tripling his outdoors playtime over the past 4 days, he is still destructive and anxious in the house! And to top it off, he's happy, but so distracted when he's outside, can't stop sniffing deep in the grass and trying to eat burrs and twigs. Finally, I decided to try to play an hour of mind games with him, practicing "sit" and "stay", stuffing a kong, hide and seek, all success and fun, but his appetite for attention is insatiable and his spazz out streaks are endless. I've only raised hugey working dogs, and haven't experienced these problems.

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Comment by Bev Levy on April 18, 2009 at 8:19am
I am not a big proponent of puppy classes unless your pup is shy or aggressive to other dogs but I guess they are fun to do. I have one calm, quiet corgi and one active, assertive corgi and find them both a blast to live with. I have to admit though that I was careful to pick a more submissive puppy the 2nd time. Two at a time might be hard to live with.
Comment by Bev Levy on April 17, 2009 at 9:53am
My Sparty was like that! Obedience classes are a must. I did several years of classes on and off. Refresher classes help. He was really good at it after we got over the initial arguement about who was in charge. The first set of classes were a trial but after that he enjoyed them. He is an extremely smart dog and very well behaved. He is ten now and has calmed down a lot! The mouthy stuff can be taken care of with a high pitched yelp and no playing after. Try to enjoy the energy level, it can be so much fun!
Comment by Rhoby A Rasch on April 17, 2009 at 9:36am
Puppy Kindergartern classes are a godsend. When I was working on the computer I put Merlin in my port-a-crib in the same room with me with his favorite toys and a chewey bone [compressed only] and he learned early on if he barked I would take him outside for a romp then he would settle and chew or sleep, then we progressed to being on his leash right next to me and he would jump on my knee when he wanted to go out. In the evenings we shut the doors to family room and he stayed in there with us and we played tug a lot and some ball playing. He loved to chase the cat's mice around and he loves the laser point on the floor. We wondered if he was part cat for awhile! We had very few accidents in the house as I did NOT let him roam free at first. He had a crate at night [only] with a big stuffed animal in it to cuddle up to. If I had to go out during the day he had the playpen. He just turned two and is a great companion for me and my husband. He has learned how to NOT bark at the squirrels when he chases them, he retrieves the ball and when he is tired of playing drops it in the pool, he will only eat when we sit at the table and eat. If we choose to eat pizza in front of TV he will not eat that night-stubborn to a fault. He loves to travel and in the winter he goes to the grocery with me and waits in the truck [I live in southern Louisiana]. He is a great camper cause he is not a barker and he LOVES kids-any and all. Each evening abt 9:30pm he goes to the bedroom door and scratches-time for bed [he heads for his crate], my husband takes him out at 5am and then he comes to bed with me when my husband goes to work at 6am. We start our day with a good old fashioned belly rub and playing with our hands under the covers-he loves hide and seek and he lays on the bathroom rug while I shower. Right now he is laying on the front door rug watching me and waiting for our morning romp outside. They are a great little dog with a big big heart. good luck!
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on April 17, 2009 at 6:46am
Are there any puppy kindergarden classes nearby? They might help. Corgi puppies energize themselves by breathing. Good thing to start boundaries and rules now. Also try to always check that there is nothing in the floor that he can get. Arm yourself with patience. Be consistent on your rules, and everybody else in the house needs to be on the same page too. You will be amazed how quickly they learn. Good luck.

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