Ok you guys, it has been a CRAZY few days.  A video I posted of Fiona on YouTube went viral, and it has been a total roller coaster ride since then.  You can see the YouTube video here.  And below is a photo of her smiling about all the nice people saying warm and fuzzy things about her.

So here's the low-down: I happened to catch that moment on film a few days after I brought her home.  It never occurred to me that she hadn't seen a mirror before, and I wanted to get her used to my front room since she hadn't gone in there yet.  I took her in to play ball - an activity she loves - so she would associate the room with something positive.  I had my iPhone so I grabbed it to video the cuteness of her playing ball...and I caught her first experience with a mirror instead.  Pure kismet.

I uploaded it to YouTube so I could share it with my friends on Facebook.  I planned to upload it here this week.  I looked at the video last Thursday and it had around 300 views.  Friday morning my inbox was flooded with emails from YouTube viewers, and Fiona had received 30,000 views overnight.  By Sunday we hit 1 million, and last night we hit 2 million views in 4 days.  Crazy!!

Needless to say, things have been a bit surreal the past few days.  I was thrown in to a crash course in social media, something I thought I knew a lot about...and found out I had a whole lot more to learn.  YouTube videos aren't really something you get rich off of - even viral ones - but we will get a little something at least to put in to a rainy day vet bill fund.  (Every little bit helps!)  In the meantime, I've been fielding calls and media inquiries from around the world.  More than once I had to pinch myself and go, "Is this really happening?"  So far Fiona has appeared on The Today Show, ABC News, London Daily Mail, BBC Online, The Huffington Post, Fox News Insider, MSN, BuzzFeed, and Cute Overload, as well as many others. 

The MyCorgi community has been there for us from day one - from answering questions I had when I was picking out a puppy, to celebrating her first month with me, to getting so many great ideas to help a food-averse corgi to eat (yes - they exist!).  I am particularly grateful for those who gave me such great advice when I was stressing about this-and-that, and had the new corgi mom jitters.  They told me to trust my heart.  I'm glad I listened and I did.

I'm playing social media catch-up now (did I mention crash-course?!), and am trying to get a few things in place.  Fiona now has her own new Facebook page, and we'd be ever-so-grateful if our MyCorgi family would consider "Liking" it. 

A week or so ago I posted a blog post about Fiona's first month home, and at the end I mentioned that she had turned my life topsy-turvey.  ...I'm now thinking that may have been an understatement.  ;)

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Comment by Natalie, Fiona, & Django on March 19, 2013 at 9:17pm

Joan - Thanks!  And yes, anything that helps the world to understand the awesomeness of corgis is a good thing!  ;)

John - Now that you mention it, I HAVE noticed she's demanded a few more bones the past few days.  Hmmmm...can requests for fois gras be far behind??

Comment by John Wolff on March 18, 2013 at 1:07pm

Milk it for all it's worth, Fiona.  Soon you'll have them serving you pate` de fois gras bedtime treats on lavender-scented linen napkins.

Comment by Napolean (Joan and Gabby) on March 17, 2013 at 11:41pm

So you're the one with the the corgi and the mirror! Haha, I watched this at around 300,000 views and I can't believe it hit 3 million! Yay, for exposing the corgi to the world! Congratulations on the great media hit ;)

Comment by Natalie, Fiona, & Django on March 13, 2013 at 1:55pm
Aw, thank you so much, you guys! It is fun to share this with my friends, and have a video that people have responded to so passionately and personally! And thank you so much for sharing it on FB!! That means a lot and I'm truly honored...even if you didn't know it was me at the time!

To those of you who have followed Fiona on FB - thank you!! She sends wags. :)

Mai - Yep, that was my girl! Hee! And you are right, people can make a living on YouTube, but as you mentioned, its usually for a ton of videos with tens of thousands of subscribers, and that's all they do. For one video not so much, but it's all good! As Kristin said, I'm just enjoying the ride, and I am still surprised that people seem to think Fiona's as cute as I do because - let's face it - I'm totally biased. ;)

Nathan - Your post made me giggle and blush. :) So glad it made you laugh so much!!

Linda - That's an excellent idea. I'd certainly be honored if someone submitted it to Ellen! Love her!
Comment by Diane on March 13, 2013 at 11:21am

I saw this last week and have watched a few times. It cracked me up!     So cute...

Comment by Beth on March 13, 2013 at 10:14am
That is awesome!
Comment by Michelle on March 13, 2013 at 9:39am

How cool!  Welcome to the wonderful world of Corgidom!!!! HAHAHAHAHA 

These babies tend to take us places that we never expected for certain!!! 

Comment by Lemmy Winks on March 13, 2013 at 9:28am

I shared the video on my facebook!! That is to funny that it was your pup! Congrats! Hahaha!

Comment by Linda on March 13, 2013 at 8:39am

I saw that before!  Had no idea it was someone I "know"!   How wonderful it has gone viral.  Someone needs to send that to Ellen so she can show it on her show...she loves cat/dog videos.  I am not on FB or twitter or I would send it.

Comment by Bev Levy on March 13, 2013 at 8:14am

Ohhh, I didn't realize that was your puppy! Love the video and shared it on my Facebook page. Great job!

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