Well, we start another week. My wife is home from school today for Presidents' Day. I made chili yesterday, so we had that for lunch. She always eats a cheddar cheese sandwich with her chili. As she was making it at lunch, a tear rolled down her cheek. A sure way to get Stinky Wink's attention was to make a cheddar cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread. He always knew he'd get a bite or two. She said, "I'll never make another cheddar cheese sandwich without thinking of Winker." He was such a major part of our lives, it's hard to adjust things using a different focus. I heard a noise in the basement last night. I'm sure it was the furnace or the sump pump, but we have had some burglaries in the area, so I was a bit tense. For a split second I thought, "Why isn't Wink barking?" He barked at every unusual noise. Then it hit me again like a punch in the stomach. We have talked about getting a puppy. There is a litter coming in March, which will be ready mid-May. We have time to make the decision. I know that those who have said it are right...Wink would want us to share our love with another Corgi short-legs. By May I think our grief and sense of loss will have found its proper place in our hearts and lives and we will always have our "Forever Stinky Wink." All the extra love we had for him could take root in another puppy heart.

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Comment by Sam, Gregg & Poopdeck on February 20, 2012 at 6:05pm

What a wonderful and very sad post;my heart goes out to you both.  I did not want to read it because I knew it would make me so sad.  Long after I lost my Lhasa of 15 years I still had the habit of looking down as I left the house, to make sure the water bowl was full.A stab of pain went through my heart every time.  Always remember the rainbow bridge and that you will know when the time is right to add to your family.  

Comment by Cindy Lincoln on February 20, 2012 at 3:56pm

I know somewhat how you're feeling and I'm so sorry.  I lost my lab (10 yrs old) less than a year ago and I still find myself getting that "punch in the stomach" when I suddenly think of something she would do or how she would react to something and then realize that she's not here anymore.  It's such a helpless feeling.  I just wanted her back, which of course, is impossible.  We got Ella about 8 months after my Samantha passed and she has helped me heal.  My Sammy used to bring me her bone every night before the news would start so I could put a little cheese in it.  That was a tradition of hers for years.  That was one of the hard things I had to get over.  Your whole life seems to change when you lose one of your beloved friends.  It takes time to heal.  You will never forget your Wink, but you will be able to cope better as time goes by and your new friend will have his or her own little silly ways that will melt your heart.  I keep a picture of my beloved Sammy right where I can see her everyday and somehow my tears are being replaced with silly memories of her and I think about how she wouldn't want to see me sad and that also helps. 

Comment by Jennifer Markley on February 20, 2012 at 3:13pm

You are healing.  That is for sure.  I am glad that you are thinking of sharing your love with another dog.  It won't be Stinky Wink, as there will never be another one.  I think that was the hardest for me to adjust to when I lost Dillon.  Seanna is totally opposite.  But lovable in many other ways.  I am sure that Wink was smiling down on you when you made that decision.  :-)

Comment by Michelle on February 20, 2012 at 1:40pm

I am so sorry for your loss.  My husband and I have recently lost our 15 year old girl and it is so very difficult.  Our male is having a very difficult time coping.  My husband said yesterday, "no matter how hard it is for us, it has to be harder on him".  I like to think that we all will know when the time is right to add a new on baby, a time when we can love a new baby for the special pups that they are.  Thanks for sharing! ^,,^

Comment by Bev Levy on February 20, 2012 at 1:38pm

I can tell you from experience that the new one makes a special place for themselves in your hearts while giving you little reminders of the one that is gone.

Comment by Emily & Scout on February 20, 2012 at 1:36pm

Been reading your blog.  It is so sad when a 4 legged family member leaves us.  They give so much love and ask for nothing.  My 15 year old girl lives with my parents and I am not looking forward to the call from Mom saying she is no longer with us. (Lost my 1st dog when I was in 6th grade) Just out of curiosity, who is the breeder that has a litter due?  I'm in Indiana and looking to add a corgi this year.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family as you go through this time in your life that we all will have to face sometime.

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