A Wimper and a Howl For Help!!!!

Here's the link!!

Hi guys!! It's Ein's mommy, Stacy!! I am begging the mycorgi community to please come to this site:


and vote for mr. adorable einstein'b'gein (pronounced like OshKosh B'Gosh or whatever lol) 

He's losing to a pair of cats, can you believe it? Where is the dignity!? The contest is "cutest pet" and it's for pets around the olympic peninsula, but anyone can vote!! All you need to do is go on there and sign up (I know please don't hate me!!! It really doesn't take long, my friend was able to do it on her phone!!) and click the vote button! Then do it again tomorrow!! I should have asked you guys from the get go, but I thought I could count on friends/family votes. They just weren't enough! <3 

Ok have I begged enough? ^_^ Please please please go vote!! I really would like to buy Ein a new bigger kennel, or have his paw get a second opinion. (Those are the first and second prizes, cash or a wellness check up). 

How can you look at this face and say no?? :)

:) Please and thank you!!!

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Comment by Stacy M on July 7, 2012 at 2:19pm

Sorry Cindi! 

You should be able to (once you are signed up) just click this link again if you got lost http://pdn.upickem.net/engine/Details.aspx?c=55490&p=V&s=21... and it will take you straight to the page to vote for Ein. 

Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on July 7, 2012 at 10:48am

I have done all of the registering I think I need to and now I can't see the vote tab.  Maybe only cat-people have the patience for voting? Let me know what else I need to do. 

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