
Penny had some kind of a reaction last night. I have no idea what caused it. We went to Petco...bought some toys/treats/food...came home and she had dinner and went outside. About an hour later her face started to swell up. I gave her Benadryl and watched her closely. She seems fine today, other than her eyes are weepy (they have been for a week or so on and off I figure all the pollen in the air right now). I'm not sure if I should bring her in to the Vet or just chalk it up to something she got into. Any suggestions or ideas what could have caused it.

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Comment by Jude, Lily and Louise on October 22, 2009 at 5:03pm
It is almost as if it's their job!
Comment by Melinda (Penny's Mom) on October 22, 2009 at 9:25am
Wow! They sure do have a way of findings things to get into don't they?!
Comment by Jude, Lily and Louise on October 21, 2009 at 5:59pm
About 10 years ago I was working outside and my Mace was with me as usual. She was busy doing a complete security check of the yard. You never know when we might be menaced by a bunny or low flying bird. Suddenly she ran up to the back and scratched to get in the door. She was not frantic or crying just abuptly wanted inside. Once inside I noticed she was rubbing her muzzle on the rug. I sat down and held her head in my hands and literally watched her face swell like a sci-fi movie. On her body a knot would raise and lower in different places on her back. I mean it was very weird and a lot spooky. I took her to the ER vet. She was so swollen that the receptionist said, "Shar Pei right?" My poor Mace, all you could see of her muzzle was the black leather on the end. Well, injections of antihistamine and steroids cleared it up so fast you could watch the swelling go down. The vet checked her over and estimated she had over 100 hornet stings. The next day I retraced her steps and sure enough there were hornets flying in and out of my tie wall. It took 8 cans of hornet killer over 4 nights (you have to wait until they are in their nest). To get rid of them. Years later I replaced the wall and saw the nest. It was huge. It covered an area about 3' x 8'. I think the estimate of stings was way too low.

I think it was a sting and your administration of Benadryl fixed her right up. The vet said most of the time after a sting just give them a Benadryl and don't bring them in unless they have a problem breathing. Of course after 100's of stings and a transformation akin to the Hulk take them to the vet even if it is just because of the creep factor.
Comment by Melinda (Penny's Mom) on September 24, 2009 at 11:47am
I didn't even think about a bee sting...there are lots of hornets out right now too.
Comment by Amanda on September 24, 2009 at 10:28am
Something probably bit or stung her. You can call the vet, they'll probably just tell you to give her benadryl. If that doesn't help and it won't go away, I'd get it checked out.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 24, 2009 at 10:08am
Maybe got stung by a bee? I would watch her, I dont think you need to bring her into the vet right now unless something changes. Maybe you could call the vet for peace of mind.

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