So after MUCH debate, I might be able to get my lovely boyfriend to budge on a corgi mix. Does anyone know where we could find a aussie corgi perhaps? We are willing to take in a rescue as long as it does not have too many health problems.
Kaley, I agree thank you for your support and opinion I needed that! :-)
and you can always say, "ok, a corgi won't be OUR first dog, but it's going to be MY next dog"
i'm trying to keep my own opinions about your bf to myself because i don't truly know him and it is not fair to judge him just by what you are saying, but i can't help but be reminded of what happened to my friend. he and his gf lived together and decided to get a dog as a couple. eventually things didn't work out and this dog was a huge debate to both of them. the girl finally settled and told him he could keep the dog, only to break into his house a few weeks later, steal the dog back, and move to a different city. sounds like a farfetched story but it really happened.
i would get yourself a dog. that way if anything were to ever happen, there would be no doubt who is keeping the dog. and what if you end up getting a dog that he wanted that you don't like at all? then he decides (if something were to happen) that he didn't want to take the dog. you'd be stuck with a dumb dog you didn't want in the first place (no offense to the dog who doesn't exist)
i'm sorry if i'm getting preachy =/ i just think you should go with your gut instinct.
corgis for the win!
in response to your comment: uhhh corgis ARE a farm dog and are NOT a small dog. this is actually an optical illusion. many buy corgis with the intent of owning a small dog but soon find out that a paradox dimensional shift in the space around their legs creates the illusion that they have short legs. one soon realizes that such stubby legs cannot possibly be the source of the vigorous sports and activity they partake in.
sorry, i had too much fun with that. moral of the story is DO NOT LET THEIR LOOKS DECEIVE YOU! (relate the message to your bf) as i mentioned in your previous post, they are in the WORKING class of dogs. they were bred to be athletic and endure long bouts of physical activity, and with that comes a ton of energy.
i think he is just having a crisis with his masculinity. like i said before, THE DOG DOES NOT MAKE THE MAN! tell him if you can't get a corgi then you want a cat. nothing says girly (to a guy) than a cat. (i personally love kitties)
you're an adult capable of making your own decisions. if you want a corgi, then damn it go get a corgi! you know what my boyfriend said when i first showed him a corgi? "it looks kind of funny.." you know what i said in response? "i don't care, i'm getting one whether you like it or not" i'm not kidding. that's word for word. and you know what? he's excited that i'm getting my first corgi on saturday. i've talked his ears off so much about it for the past 6 months that he's slowly converting into a corgi fanatic himself.
best advice is to educate him on the breed, and really find out WHY he is so against them. it can't really be that simple. ask your counselor to analyze his psyche. maybe he's repressing memories of being bitten by a smaller dog as a child. i still heavily advise you educate him on the breed. if you can't convince him with the knowledge you know about the temperament and needs and general info about the breed, then maybe you should read up a bit more. if you can't make a good argument for your case, i suggest getting a better understanding of the breed yourself first before you strategically sway him in your direction. not trying to accuse you of not having read any info about the breed, it was just a suggestion.
some helpful resources:
^that is specifically about exercising needs
^i would read all of this but especially questions 1 and 8 as pertaining to your argument.
some videos to show your bf:
^corgis in agility trials
^corgi PUPPIES herding cattle
^more corgi cattle herding
^and show him that one because it is just so damn cute =)
i'm sorry if this post came off a bit pushy, i just feel like he is making a judgement with absolutely no knowledge at all. that's not fair to you or to the doggies. the least he can do for you is try to learn about the breed before making a final decision. if it's a compromise he's looking for, he should educate himself about corgis before dismissing them as an option. if he's the type swayed by cuteness, go to youtube. there are hundreds of adorable corgi videos. maybe you'll hit a soft spot in his heart ;)
Oh, and PS Corgis ARE farm dogs. They are about as farm as a dog can get.
Don't take this wrong, but perhaps this is a big red flag to you to consider your choice in boyfriends. If he is this controlling about your dog and you are not even married, how controlling will he be over other things if you do get married. And if you DON'T get married, then you'll always resent that you didn't get the dog you wanted simply to please him.
Hahaha I have mentioned just him getting whatever he wants and letting me get my corgi, the more the merrier right!? If we did go with a mix I would only get a rescue because there are so many mixes in need of good homes. It's funny I actually went to a counselor yesterday to discuss our "dog problem" and she recommended that I bring Hollis next time to do some couples counseling.... maybe it will work? It's SO FRUSTRATING! He wants to "compromise" on a dog which really means he does not want a small dog! He wants a farm dog. He told me last night that he is not against me having a corgi, he just does not want it to be out first dog, and I say ok well when can we get our second dog then?? I'm not waiting years for this! Grrr. Hopefully things work out. I just can't stop thinking of what it will be like when I hold that little bundle of joy in my arms!
Ooh, PS- Could one of the things he likes about he Aussie be the coat? That's an easy fix. Get a fluffy!
I wish your boyfriend could come over to my house and see both in action. My neighbor has an Aussie and although she is a sweetheart, she is NUT. She barks WAY more than my gang and has a hard time being alone.
I agree that the compromise idea may not be the best. This mix sounds like it might be asking for problems rather than solving them. Maybe you need to take the boyfriend to see some corgis at agility or flyball. Or remind him that they were bred not only to herd/protect cattle (not sheep) but to be the drover dog that took them to town for market. These little dogs have more endurance than most large breeds. You have to MAKE them stop to keep them from overheating sometimes. With an Aussie you are asking for a heavier coat that will be much less forgiving in the heat and therefore curtail activity, not add to it. Not mention shedding. If he still wants a lab, then get two dogs. His and yours. Then he'll see who has the best dog! LOL
I would try Petfinder. I adopted an Aussie/Corgi from a rescue last July (see Captain) at a local rescue event, so you might get lucky. I would avoid those purposely breeding them as well. At least a rescue will give an animal in need a good home.
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