Jennifer Schenk has not received any gifts yet
Posted on May 4, 2012 at 12:11pm 3 Comments 0 Likes
Things with Lincoln are looking up! Oh my goodness so much stress! Me and Hollis have absolutely fallen in love with her! Only catch is we cannot have a dog were we are living. Our lease is up in July which really is not too far away. We are looking for a house to buy which is exciting, but in the meantime Lincoln is living with my dear friend Lynn. I've been going to see her everyday, we typically go for a 4-5 mile walk/ run and, play in the field by Lynns house, and then about an hour of…
ContinuePosted on April 23, 2012 at 3:30pm 5 Comments 2 Likes
I recieved a phone call from my dear friend Lynne over the weekend. She told me that she had taken in a foster dog and was wondering if I could come spend some time with her. I was instantly excited! She told me she was some kind of mixed breed, maybe heeler, husky, with some corgi in her. She said that some man had brought her to the Lane County Animal Shelter because she…
Posted on April 17, 2012 at 5:55pm 15 Comments 0 Likes
So after MUCH debate, I might be able to get my lovely boyfriend to budge on a corgi mix. Does anyone know where we could find a aussie corgi perhaps? We are willing to take in a rescue as long as it does not have too many health problems.
Posted on April 15, 2012 at 9:39pm 13 Comments 0 Likes
This past Saturday I drove up to Ranier Oregon to meet with Sue Sebring of Corgis of Narnia. She was a VERY nice woman I got to meet all of her 14 corgis, she has 12 Pems and 2 Cardis. They were all so beautiful, nice, and well taken care of. She really seems to know what she is doing, she is very organized, all the dogs have been tested against DM and Von Willabrands. She is planning on breeding one of the beautiful females in June, I cant remember her name, but she is gorgeous. She invited…
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So did you end up getting to adopt Lincoln? Been thinking about you two!
Welcome to the site! You should join the Oregon State group. Keep in mind, Lynde puts on a great Corgi Walk in the Pearl at the end of August. It is always so much fun seeing tons of corgis everywhere.