Emma is going through quite the barking phase right now. She will bark for anything and everything. Her bone drops off the couch, she barks. Your attention is not 100% on her, she barks. I hug my husband and leave her out, she barks. She is bored, she barks. We're not certain what started it all because before this point she was a quiet puppy. Emma did start teething 3 weeks ago and that's about the time the barking began. No idea if they are related.

Paul and I plan to sign Emma up for puppy training classes at the Twin Cities Obedience Training Club here shortly. TCOBTC has been recommend to us over Petsmart's classes by a few people, and we're hoping it will help us figure out the best way to deal with a few things. Barking being one of them.

Maybe walking nicely for mom and dad as well... :)

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Comment by Bev Levy on August 31, 2009 at 11:33am
Oh and if they bark in the yard I bring them in!
Comment by Bev Levy on August 31, 2009 at 11:32am
When my resident big mouth was a puppy we were boaters. You really can't have a dog at the marinas that barks at everyone. So I leashed him and spend a couple days like that. Every bark was greeted with a firm no and a (gentle) tug. He stopped very quickly and to this day, he is ten, even though he is my talkative one he does not bark at passersby. If my husband or I are not home at our usual time he breaks that rule but if I am home with him I draw the curtains so he doesn't think every car has my husband in it! LOL This is not an unusual problem with a dog bred to be a watch dog but they can learn to do it more quietly. Now if the gang gets all barky (we added a noisey adult dobe in January) I toss a magazine in their vicinity (not at) and they quiet down. I found the water deterred no one and just gave me wet dogs and floors.
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on August 31, 2009 at 10:52am
Shiro barks at my chinchilla and what I do is throw a can with pebbles in his direction (not at him but close enough). It scares the crap out of him and after 2-3 times he realized that barking means horrible loud things flying his way. Of course it's important for him not to know that I was the one to throw it.
He is so scared of this thing so I actually put it in a cubby with my shoes and he never touches them :)
You can also try an airhorn or water spray bottle or a water gun, but it might not worko for all dogs. Shiro for example just opens his mouth and asks for more when my dad's boxer hates the thing.
Comment by LORRAINE on August 31, 2009 at 6:33am
Hi, unfortunatly i can only add to ur problem as we are having the same problems with Wilf and he is now 17 months!!! He has started to bark at the same things , the bone falling, the cuddles etc but what is really bugging me is the barking when we come into the room because there is no need for it. Wilf is with us almost 24/7 as we take him to work with us . I just dont understand the barking for no reason. Ive tried ignoring him and it doesnt work, ive tried standing still with my arms folded and no, the only thing is to shout at him louder than his bark and even that doesnt stop him straight away. We have a new neighbour and he must wonder what hes come to with me barking back at Wilf at 5.50 am every morning!!!! Making a fuss of him doesnt help either he just seems to bark more. So once again you are not alone Lorraine
Comment by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on August 30, 2009 at 10:57pm
Hi Brooke,

I am currently experiencing the same thing with Stella. She's a little over 5 months (born April 1), and the barking started around the same time as her teething, too. I actually found 4 of her teeth in the past week! She seems to be a little more restless than usual, too. I'm going to take her to puppy kindergarten in a week and I, too was hoping this will help! I have currently been tugging on her leash and telling her "no!" and sometimes she listens, but most times she doesn't. I am definitely going to address it in the classes, but I"m also wondering if it will get better as she matures. I'm interested in seeing other comments to your post. Sorry I don't really have any answers, but I just wanted to let you know that someone else was having a similar experience.


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