Bad News: Limping puppy diagnosis

After 3 months and several vets we finally have an answer for Baron's limping, and the news is not good. Even though I'm a nurse I'm still confused. Apparently the growth plate closed too early at Baron's right shoulder. He has a gap where part of it is supposed to close over the joint. The humerus is longer than the ulna and has started to bow outward. According to the vet there is nothing we can do except watch for the early arthritis to set in and give him rimadyl when he is having a bad day. There will be no running or jumping for Baron and only moderate exercise allowed. As I'm writing this Baron is running around chasing the cats. blissfully unaware of the diagnosis.

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Comment by Teresa on August 27, 2010 at 8:15pm
I talked to Baron's breeder today and she is going to arrange a second opinion with an orthopedic specialist at her cost. I will bring up glucosamine and Adequan. Thanks.
Comment by David on August 26, 2010 at 11:37pm
My vet friend told me that we can give human glucosamine supplement to dogs and it will help to alleviate and prevent arthritis. Since glucosamine is a naturally present in animals and plants, it is not harmful to mammals. I have a friend giving it to his lab everyday. Read about it here.
Comment by Katie on August 26, 2010 at 11:26pm
I am so sorry about the diagnosis. I just talked to my vet yesterday...he's my horse vet...but we were talking about arthritis medications and he said that dogs respond very well to Adequan. It's what I give my horse and he does really well on it. It is a monthly IM shot.
Comment by Teresa on August 26, 2010 at 6:16pm
I have had Baron on Merrick dog food for the last 2 months. It has Glucosamine/Chondrotin in it. It probably will not hurt to try the supplement. Baron's next stop is going to be accupuncture. It worked for my rotator cuff injury. Baron's trainer recommended her. There aren't any Orthopedic specialists anywhere near where we live.
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on August 26, 2010 at 3:59pm
oh my... just realized we called your little one Tedi! All our best wishes for Baron!!!
Comment by Beth on August 26, 2010 at 3:14pm
Very sorry to hear this!
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on August 26, 2010 at 1:24pm
I'm wondering why your vet hasn't suggested some kind of supplements that will strengthen his joints. Soffie and Griffyn both take a daily dose of Coseguin DS. Soffie (one at AM one at PM) because of and acl tear she had and Griffyn (one at AM) just on "gp".
Also, if it was me, I'd be inclined to seek a second opinion from an orthopedic specialist.
All our best wishes for you and Tedi!
Comment by Marion and Vern on August 26, 2010 at 11:00am
So sorry to hear this. Our Tedi had problems, nothing like this though, with his right shoulder. He must have injured it when young and would limp, it would get stiff and soar. We put him on Glucosamine/Chondrotin (spelled wrong sorry) found he did much better with one in the morn and one at night. If we counted wrong and he was out a day or two he would start limping bad, once he was back on them it went away. This may help with the arthritis and help his other joints. We have Sami on a half morning and night just because it is good for their joints and want to give her every chance at strong healthy joints. Good luck and will say a prayer for Baron and you all.
Comment by Teresa on August 26, 2010 at 10:28am
Thanks everyone for the concern and advise. Baron is limping because of pain and because one leg is shorter. Baron loves his vet, but needs to be muzzled for the exam. Thanks for the advise Bev. It is so hard to ignore the "I am starving" looks and licking of empty food bowl after eating. I've started with several 5 to 10 minutes walks a day. He also misses playing fetch and chasing the laser light. We are learning tug of war and obedience skills. He seems to limp more when first waking up and after he digs in the yard or runs too much. Otherwise he is okay. I don't want to give him too much medicine.
Comment by Avyon on August 26, 2010 at 10:08am
I'm so sorry. It's hard to tell them not to play so hard especially one so young :(

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