So Juneaux typically IS a barker. Considering that she's pretty social with our extended family and their pets, she's always on the offensive whenever we take her to Petsmart. She barks at dogs and people when we go:( We'd never had a problem with her barking out back, just a random bark here and there, until recently...
With the exception of last night, the last few nights have been awful! Poor neighbors! She will start barking at about 2 am, and for about 30 min!! Plus she's pretty much barking right outside our bedroom window:( Then she calms down. 5 am she's at it again, and again for another half hour! Ughhh!! 8 am--you guessed it.
So 2 nights ago, I told my husband to PLEASE bring her in, so I could get some sleep (I'm 7 mo. pregnant, and share a bed with my husband AND 2 yr old--I never get good sleep!). Last night, she didn't make a peep (at least not in the mid AM hours). I think we've come to the conclusion that theres a new dog somewhere in the neighborhood, so whenever he starts to bark, she starts. Don't know about last night though--maybe he was put inside this time.
I beginning to think we should get one of those bark collars, but I don't want her to stop entirely. Anyone else with a barking problem?? Suggestions would be great:)
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