My wife Debbie was cutting up some strawberries this morning to go with her breakfast. Gromit had finished his food and was watching her and since one of the berries was a bit mooshie she tossed it in Gromit's dish. He sniffed it a bit, and began licking it. Deb went back to her work, leaving Gromit unwatched...
Gromit, quietly and unseen, picked up the strawberry and carried it out into the living room onto the carpet and began playing with it, biting it, moving it around, and generally having a fine time before devouring it. Sadly, he left behind a trail of strawberry stains everywhere he played. >sigh<. Those would be the dark spots in the photo below.
When Debbie saw what
had happened she used our standard admonishment with Gromit when he gets into mischief: "You're such a puppy brain!" Thank goodness we bought a Hoover carpet shampooer a couple of years ago. It's seen a lot of use including about an hour and a half this morning where once again it did a good job of cleaning up the mess.
Holly the wiener dog was completely innocent and merely thought a quick game of squeakie toy fetch would make Debbie happier.
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