Why Lily is giving me small bites every time that I try to catch her?? It hurts!
When kids ask me " Can I pet her? " I have to say " Yes, but she will jump on you, open her mouth and maybe give you a little bite and then will kiss you..."
How do I make her stop?

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Comment by Renata M. on October 19, 2010 at 9:03am
Okay....now I'm not understanding my dog. Every time that I try to catch Lily to go to the sofa with me at night she runs away. If I call her with a treat in my hand she will tray to bite my hand...but if I take her leach here she is...happy and calm.
Comment by Heidianna & Daisy Dog on October 11, 2010 at 9:56am
I will second what others have said. The vet told us to kind of imitate what she would sound like if we stepped on her by accident... a kind of high pitched "YIP!" noise. That always gets her to stop.
Comment by Mary on October 9, 2010 at 4:38pm
I would go "ow!" whenever Nibbler bit me, even if it didn't hurt :). She got into moods where she wanted to nip alot sometimes, and we would lead her into the bathroom and leave her there for 3 minutes. She got the idea that, if she bit then the fun would stop.
Comment by Bev Levy on October 9, 2010 at 10:24am
you can teach a really good "Come" by carrying good treats (hot dog pieces) and with her on a long clothes line take her out and when she gets interested in something call Come" in a very upbeat voice. If she comes give her a treat and praise as soon as you can touch her collar. If she ignores you, immediately pull her to you and give her a treat. Repeat as needed and always end on a high note. She will associate coming with a treat and be more reliable. If you are out without a leash and she does not come fall on the ground kicking and laughing ( I know a little nuts but it works) and she will come over. Never use her name or "come" if she is in trouble. Good luck!
Comment by Renata M. on October 9, 2010 at 9:57am
I don't stop playing and yes....I chase Lily when am trying to catch her.
The only command that she knows is sit...leave it or drop it she isn't attending..I'm trying!!!!
Time out...never try this...
Thanks everybody =)
Comment by Bev Levy on October 9, 2010 at 8:27am
For a mouth on your hands always screech a loud high pitched dramatic yelp and end play or whatever if she continues. I used to put Sparty (also known as Jaws as a youngster) in the kitchen for a time out if the yelp did not stop the nips. He never nips anymore but for a while it was annoying! Never allow rough play with her while you are teaching this.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on October 9, 2010 at 3:24am
When Lily greets kids, you should have her sit and wait for her to calm down, once she is calm the kids are then allowed to give her attention. So you can say to the kids, you can pet her but when she is sitting and calm.

Are you chasing Lily when you are trying to catch her? Does she have something shes not suppose to?
Good commands to teach Lily are leave it...drop it and come, this will eliminate the need to chase her and then it should eliminate her biting.

You definaely dont want Lily to think its ever appropriate to bite or use her mouth on anyone for any reason. If your playing with her and she bites...you should say Owwww....and guide her to something appropriate to chew on like a toy.

Hope this is helpful to you. :)

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