OK... so the dogs are loving it but after a week of melting we now have another blizzard. My 4 wheel-drive is stuck in the field about 15 feet off the driveway and yes, I had to walk a mile in this to get to our other house and now have to walk back:( Since we still have high snowbanks...Sage and Hermes decided to jump over and chase critters!. We are expecting about 12 inches of snow but maybe being a Corgi is better as they don't seem to mind but then luckily I didn't have any along when I tried to get to our other house!

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Comment by Ace and Jen on February 20, 2011 at 10:05pm
I am so JEALOUS lol ill take your snow~
Ace hasnt seen much snow in his year of life D: it makes me sad cuz i know he loves it we got about half an inch of snow in november that didnt even last the night and i wanted to get pics and vids of him in it NO SUCH LUCK! lol sooo Ill take your snow XD <3
Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on February 20, 2011 at 12:45pm
I know how you feel Jane. We were going to visit friends today 15 minutes away. I took one look outside, thought fog? Then realized it was snow. Looks like we're heading into Dinkytown another day.
Comment by Jennifer Markley on February 20, 2011 at 12:31pm
I'd almost trade you today!!  My yard is pure mud....the dogs look like little torpedos when they come back in!
Comment by christy fry on February 20, 2011 at 11:34am
My goodness!!! I don't know what would be worse all the snow you guys get or the constant rain we get in the northwest...Both have there own brand of annoyances I suppose!!!

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