Jane Christensen's Blog (98)

Sage and her new buddy Floyd

They are getting along well!

Added by Jane Christensen on April 13, 2017 at 8:30pm — 6 Comments

Our new boy Floyd!

We got Floyd our Corgi rescue on Sunday...so far he has been so good and my hubby is very impressed by his walking skills! He found his bed and has toys surrounding it. He even brought me one when I got home from work today...I'm happy!

Added by Jane Christensen on March 27, 2017 at 3:48pm — 7 Comments

Going to my forever home on Sunday!

This guy will be joining Sage on Sunday!!!!  Sage will be so happy since she's lost her 2 buddies within a few weeks of each other and has never been an only dog!!!!

Added by Jane Christensen on March 24, 2017 at 7:58pm — 5 Comments

It's been a long 2 months...

For those of you who aren't on Facebook I thought I should update you...in the last 2 moths I have lost 2 Corgis. Teddy was diagnosed with large tumor and spent his last few weeks with us before he was too sick and we had him put to sleep.

Wynn was diagnosed with bladder cancer last fall and started failing fast a few weeks ago so I also had to say good-bye to him.

Poor Sage is wondering where they are and very lonesome as she has never been an only dog! Hopefully she will have…


Added by Jane Christensen on March 9, 2017 at 9:52am — 13 Comments

4 year old Minnesota Corgi needs a new home.

I was recently contacted from a person who sadly needs to find a new home for her spayed female Corgi. She does not get along well with children or other animals. She sounds like a wonderful companion dog for a older couple who has experience with Corgis and can provide a good home. Please message me and I can give you more info or pass on the contact info to you. The person loves this dog and wants her to have a good life.

Added by Jane Christensen on October 28, 2015 at 8:19am — 2 Comments

Moving to the city with 3 Corgis

Wynn, Sage and Teddy(my rescue) will be moving to a town of about 26,000 people. They have lived all their lives in the country with wide open spaces to run. Wynn and Sage have experience with city living and Teddy does not. If we don't have a fenced in yard it will be too late to put one up as the ground will be frozen by then. We do have a large outside chain link dog kennel that we can temporarily use also. Many of the houses we are looking at do not have sidewalks...any helpful info or…


Added by Jane Christensen on October 3, 2015 at 10:30am — 10 Comments

Cody's new home:)

Another happy ending for a Humane Society Corgi.There is a long story as to how Cody ended up there BUT he is now home with his new brother Parker and the neighbor dog Captain. Within 15 minutes of texting former Corgi people who got pups from me...Cody had a home! He had a long distance to travel with me and then with his new owner but he's got a great…


Added by Jane Christensen on January 11, 2015 at 6:46pm — 8 Comments

Corgi in southern MN humane society needs a home.

I just got an email from our local humane society president that they have a 3-4 year old male Corgi. I have no more info today but will find out more tomorrow and that the Corgi seems to be very nice. Anyone who knows of someone who might be interested please message me and I will be meeting him on Sunday to know more. The woman knows I found the last one they had a great home and so she would like me to find this one a great home also. No pictures yet but I'll get some on Sunday:)

Added by Jane Christensen on December 20, 2014 at 12:14am — 2 Comments

RIP Joanna (Joanna,Rainy and Calvin)

We lost a member of our Corgi nation last week. Her husband called me to inform me yesterday .Several years ago I was lucky enough to meet with Joanna twice when she drove from NY to MN to get a rehomed dog(Rainy) of mine and a rescue(Calvin) a month later. The minute I met her I knew she was a special woman and we always kept in contact. I know she is playing with all of our 4 legged ones over Rainbow Ridge...Just wanted to let you know. 

Added by Jane Christensen on November 9, 2014 at 8:04pm — 8 Comments

Teddy's BIG Adventure!!!!!!

Well Teddy(my 11 year old rescue) and Tank at some point decided to leave the area. Teddy does not do this and being almost completely deaf I panicked. Took Wynn with me and started walking the fields near our place. Partway through I thought about calling the people who live at our other place and the lady said "so that's whose dogs these are" I was so relieved...she said…


Added by Jane Christensen on July 28, 2014 at 10:13pm — 10 Comments

Family Reunion:)

Shortly after Bella left for her new home I received another email from someone who had a rehomed pup of mine. Their friends had just lost their elderly corgi and they were looking for another one. Since Livvy should have always been the only Queen in her…


Added by Jane Christensen on June 15, 2014 at 10:21am — 6 Comments

Wynn turns 9!

Seems like yesterday that we got Wynn. Well it's been 9 years ago today that he was born...still my same Wynn but I can see he is aging…


Added by Jane Christensen on April 16, 2014 at 7:00am — 6 Comments

Poor Teddy:(

A couple months ago I noticed that Teddy had some teeth that weren't good. Six I thought...so after the worst winter in 35 years here I made an appt. for his dental work. WELL...after examining his teeth the vet removed 16 teeth. Many of them due to the roots being exposed.

Last night I could tell Teddy was in pain but did get relief from his pain med in soft food off…


Added by Jane Christensen on March 12, 2014 at 10:27am — 20 Comments

Bye-Bye Bella!

About a month ago I received a phone call from a puppy owner asking if I had any pups and I did not. Turns out a good friend of hers was…


Added by Jane Christensen on February 12, 2014 at 2:17pm — 28 Comments

Car safety!

First of all my dogs are crated when they travel with me 99.9% of the time. Well, today I took Sage along because she was sitting at the door waiting to go to work with me...poor decision as I have 2 kennels borrowed out and a 3rd stored in my garage that wasn't ready to go...yes I still took Sage and I had her leash belted into the back seat. About 10 minutes into our trip 4…


Added by Jane Christensen on January 20, 2014 at 6:15pm — 16 Comments

Hip Hip Hooray:) Governor cancels school on Monday:) Due to the weather:(

It will be the coldest it has been in Minnesota in 18 years on Monday:( Corgis won't be allowed out for more than a couple minutes! No schoolwork!

Added by Jane Christensen on January 3, 2014 at 8:50pm — 17 Comments

My day from hell!

Tank my Corgi mix decided to chase jack rabbits after I left him out today:( He usually stays in the yard but hasn't been out in a week due to below zero temps. He decides to run to the grove across the road and get lost(?) for over 8 hours. I went out hourly and he didn't come. Finally right before dark he came running and limping. No collar and scratches on his nose and a…


Added by Jane Christensen on December 8, 2013 at 7:51pm — 8 Comments

Scary day:(

Yesterday AM I let some of my dogs out into their big fence as usual. Immediately I heard several Coyotes yipping. I also had one of my cats run out and through the fence. What seemed like only seconds I heard a Coyote kill a cat near what sounded like at the edge of my grove and my 1st thought was "oh,no...the coyote got Smidge" my heart just sank! Dogs were going crazy and I quickly got them back in the house but had to leave for work. Luckily(not for the cat) it must have been a stray…


Added by Jane Christensen on November 15, 2013 at 9:14am — 33 Comments

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