A couple months ago I noticed that Teddy had some teeth that weren't good. Six I thought...so after the worst winter in 35 years here I made an appt. for his dental work. WELL...after examining his teeth the vet removed 16 teeth. Many of them due to the roots being exposed.

Last night I could tell Teddy was in pain but did get relief from his pain med in soft food off a spoon. This AM he is doing much better and eating his softened kibble easily.

Teddy is an almost 12 year old Corgi I rescued from a puppy mill 6 years ago but in good health for his age and the sweetest boy in the world.

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Comment by Katy on April 3, 2014 at 8:00pm
What a trooper! Handsome little fellow.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 20, 2014 at 2:11am

Aww teddy! My Bruce now has very few teeth, but he's 19. I think it's time to move him to just canned food. Teddy looks like such a sweetheart!

Comment by Linda on March 12, 2014 at 10:20pm

Woohoo for Teddy!  He will do just fine.

Comment by Linda on March 12, 2014 at 10:18pm

Jane...my daughter worked for a groomer for 2 years after college, not her chosen field but you do what you gotta do and she loves animals.  She use to do their nails but when she moved to TN she got me a pair of clippers and showed me how.  I tried it once and cut the quick...I never ever would do it again.  But with this winter being so bad and them not getting to the groomers I had to.  Max is not the fastest corgi on stairs and when his nails get too long he loses all confidence in trying them.

Comment by Jane Christensen on March 12, 2014 at 9:27pm

Awww, what a story Linda. Our other rescue Wiley is the toughest to do nails. The vet tech gave her a sedative the last time and we still had trouble. She's a wirery little corgi and a sweety but can outmaneuver all of us. She probably learned that as they figure she was the most abused:(

Love the cat story too...my hubby complains about my cats but he is always feeding them if I'm not home:)

Comment by Jane Christensen on March 12, 2014 at 9:10pm

Teddy is feeling good enough to bark tonight:) I think he's probably been through so much in his life that this will be easy.

Comment by Jennifer Markley on March 12, 2014 at 8:16pm

Poor Teddy!  Glad he's feeling better though!  The first time we had Jackson's teeth cleaned, he had to have two teeth pulled...one a molar.  He recovered nicely though, and is still able to rip stuffing out of his toys and squeak his toys to his hearts content.  :-)

Comment by Linda on March 12, 2014 at 6:53pm

Jane...it took both my husband and I do their nails.  Me trimming and him holding.  Seriously, it took a 6'7", 225 lb man to hold down a 37 lb corgi.  I can't even stand looking at the cats and dogs our SPCA publishes in our Sunday paper once a month....I want to go get them all.  They know...Max is my heart dog and he knows it.  I never let my husband forget the cat he couldn't put back out.  Kids we bothering this young black cat, I brought him in and when Mark came home I had him go check the flyer that was posted on a telephone pole to see if it was this cat.  Nope.  This was back in the early 80s during the recession, I wasn't working, we already had 2 cats and Irish wolfhound.  I told him I knew we can't afford another critter...he needed to put him back outside.  He picked up the cat and walked out the door.  Three minutes later he is back inside with the cat on his shoulder.  I asked what happened...my husband's answer....he purred.

And actually telling him to put the cat outside was a pretty safe bet...he is the biggest softie when it comes to little kids and animals.  I knew he would be back in with the cat.  Spider was about 6 months then, he lived to be 19.

Comment by Beth on March 12, 2014 at 5:43pm

Aw, Teddy.  He is very lucky to have found you.  

Comment by Abbey & Anne on March 12, 2014 at 4:51pm

Teddy will probably feel much better when he recovers from the extractions. He has an adorable face! Blessings...Jane and Teddy!

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