About a month ago I received a phone call from a puppy owner asking if I had any pups and I did not. Turns out a good friend of hers was looking for an adult. I thought about this(as I have in the past) and told her I had the sweetest adult dog who was also this ladies dog's mother. I went back and forth and shed many tears making this decision but knew it would be a good one for Bella. We always had to watch Bella and Livvy as they were not very fond of each other. We tried a 2 week trial and it was a win-win situation for all of us as they have a wonderful adult dog and we get her to visit anytime we want plus when they go on vacations and out of town work travels Bella gets to visit us too. Or if we want her to visit they are more than happy to let her.

Bella took only 3 days before she figured out she wanted to sleep in the chair next to the woman's bed. She has a 7 year old and 16 year old to play with and all the attention she deserves. She also goes to work with the woman just like she did with me. The husband is a Professor and is home much of the time. They are very active and love to be outdoors. Bella truly deserves such a life:) Because she is a wanderer we could never let her outside to explore but now she has people who love the outdoors taking her with them because they want to be outside. She hasn't gotten to go cross country skiing with her daughter yet but I am sure she will love it. Life changes but I believe this is a good change for Bella! The smile on Bella's face shows it all. The day she walked in the 1st comment from the ladies husband was "she's smiling at me"...and she was! She continues to smile!!!!!

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Comment by Jane Christensen on February 17, 2014 at 5:40pm

That's right Stephanie:) I'll check my photos later I'm sure there's more I can post:) I have to have her email me the photos in order to get them posted...I can't get them off my phone.

Comment by Stephanie on February 17, 2014 at 5:33pm

It takes me awhile, but I finally get there............  What I mean is that I did not understand or "get" what you were saying about not wanting to post the other photos.  I think I finally understand that you meant there are younger family members in the photo and that you don't want to post them as a result.  To protect the children.  I just didn't understand it. 

Hopefully they'll send more photos and then you can post them.  If not, it is still a wonderful future ahead for Bella, thanks to your efforts.

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 17, 2014 at 5:28pm

I agree Stephanie....you can just see how they love her....I have other great photos but  due to younger family members I won't post them...but they all show her as the center of attention and them just giving her ALL their attention!

Comment by Stephanie on February 17, 2014 at 2:35pm

I would like to be adopted by Bella's new family ................  Just kidding, of course, but it looks like you found a wonderful home for Bella.  The photo of her cross country skiing with her new "human" is a great photo.

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 17, 2014 at 9:08am

 She is lucky and I couldn't ask for a better home:)  Her life will be full of fun adventures...

Comment by Linda on February 16, 2014 at 11:32pm

Jane....Bella looks like she is having the time of her life!  I'm so happy that she is with such a wonderful loving family and doing such terrific things and having fun.

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 16, 2014 at 11:03pm

She has an inground fence(invisible) and can't get by the horses and also they have nice fences that I don't think a dog can get into. She grew up with the horses so I think she knows not to...

Comment by Vicky Hay on February 16, 2014 at 10:56pm

Uhm...the horses, I mean. Not paper bags. ;-)

Comment by Vicky Hay on February 16, 2014 at 10:55pm

We had quarter horses on our ranch. {sob!} I miss Babe, the horse who believed paper bags are haunted. Does she not try to herd them?

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 16, 2014 at 10:50pm

She also gets to live with 4  gorgeous Tennessee walkers and a couple quarter horses...yes she gets to go on trail rides:) Maybe Bella will get to go too:)

You can snow shoe...that's something I've been tempted to try myself:)  

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