Shortly after Bella left for her new home I received another email from someone who had a rehomed pup of mine. Their friends had just lost their elderly corgi and they were looking for another one. Since Livvy should have always been the only Queen in her "Kingdom" we decided this would be a perfect "fit" for Livvy. Parents and a 12 year old. Livvy left a few  weeks ago and we are only 30 miles away so we took Sage to visit. Well you could tell that Livvy had "her" family and although she is still Livvy...she was very happy and never took her eyes off the 12 year old. I don't think they believed me about the balls but when we were there they did mention that she only liked the Chuck-it balls:) Mom and daughter played nice to have her so close and we are always welcome!

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Comment by Jane Christensen on June 15, 2014 at 9:40pm

Linda, there is nothing better than to get a text or email with a picture and a "thanks". It's very scary to rehome a dog but by the time they finish filling out the paperwork...they do know that I am serious about my dogs new home...that is good that you keep in touch...

Comment by Linda on June 15, 2014 at 6:58pm

Great pictures!  It has to make you feel so good to see how happy Livvy is.   I can't imagine how hard it must be to re-home one of your babies.  I know that Karen is always glad to hear how Max & Katie are doing, I keep in touch with her every couple of months.  Besides genuinely liking Karen and Sam I know that someday I will be looking for another corgi and I want her to know that we are not people who will take a dog and just disappear off the face of the earth.  We also keep in touch with Max's previous family, I know it was very hard for them to give him up but to keep peace in the marriage it had to be.

Comment by Katy on June 15, 2014 at 4:45pm
How good that it has worked out for you, and the dogs. I can't imagine how hard that was fe you to let Livvy go to a new home.
Comment by Jane Christensen on June 15, 2014 at 12:20pm

Lois....I don't know if they will forget each didn't seem any different but we did think Sage was a little less lively since her mom left.

Thanks...Bev, giving up a corgi to me is like adopting out a family member...I have turned many away, not that they didn't have good references but that it wasn't the "right" fit. I have always figured if it's someone who is asking that has a pup or a rescue from me the chances are better...Bella also went to a home that a pup owner had asked me about...actually the woman who asked for Bella was the very 1st woman who wanted a pup and had to wait a year to get one:) There's something to be said about keeping "in touch". 

Comment by Lois B. Allen on June 15, 2014 at 11:54am

Livvy looks as happy as a corgi could.  It is great that you have her placed closely and can visit.  Will she and Sage forget each other if they don't get to visit periodically?

Comment by Bev Levy on June 15, 2014 at 11:26am

It has to make you feel good to know she is happy and safe! Well done.

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