Hip Hip Hooray:) Governor cancels school on Monday:) Due to the weather:(

It will be the coldest it has been in Minnesota in 18 years on Monday:( Corgis won't be allowed out for more than a couple minutes! No schoolwork!

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Comment by Jane Christensen on January 6, 2014 at 8:31pm

Luckily they do plow...mine haven't been out of the fence in a week...to cold for them to just run...they all stand by the door but I don't want them going out and getting to cold to come back in!

Comment by Marcie on January 6, 2014 at 8:16pm
The weather hasn't been fun. Becca doesn't make it easy. She refuses to potty in her own yard. We have to walk to the woods. I'm lucky that the water district plows an access road through them.
Comment by Jane Christensen on January 6, 2014 at 7:32pm

Marcia...I heard of the snowstorms out east. We had more snow this year but luckily before the winds started we had a slight ice storm so the snow barely blew or we would have had blizzard conditions along with the cold. Just going out was bad enough! I even took off work on Monday...nice to have another day off:)

Comment by Marcie on January 6, 2014 at 7:05pm
We were supposed to go back to school last Thursday and haven't made it yet. -20 and snowstorm last week. Today we had freezing rain on top of last weeks mess. I'm not sure if we will have school tomorrow or not. Becca made it clear today, she prefers cold over freezing rain.
Comment by Julia on January 6, 2014 at 6:11pm

Monday and Tuesday no school for Milwaukee and Madison -- this is unheard of. So  many kids go without food, and are left home alone in the cities that they usually consider it safer to at least open the schools, even if it's not required. This is nuts.

Lilli went out in -37 today, and just sat in the snow and sniffed the air, just like a nice spring day. Before I got a picture she ran off to eat the poop-sicles that I haven't cleaned up for a week :(

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on January 6, 2014 at 2:54pm

School has been cancelled for Tuesday as well. :)

Comment by Jane Christensen on January 6, 2014 at 9:20am

Julia, Cayman Islands...bet you wish you were there...it's so cold this AM that the dogs are actually coming up to the door themselves but I still stand there in case one gets too cold to make it in...the windchill is -48 and temps are to drop more this AM:(

Comment by Julia on January 6, 2014 at 12:30am

These dogs have been for ONE walk since Christmas Eve. ONE stinking walk! -40 wind chills, and -12 HIGH TEMPS are driving us all CRAZY! They follow me around, staring at me, begging for anything and everything. We've destroyed most of the emergency toys, and the blankets have been moved all over the house by Lilliput burying and digging them up. At least until Monty starts eating the toys. Then the toys go away and we just STARE at each other. The doggy door has frozen shut, even if it were warm enough to go out :(

And, did I mention, I'm all alone here because my entire family is in the Cayman Islands for a  3-week holiday?

Comment by Lee Gordon Capraro on January 4, 2014 at 11:58am

You have FIVE corgis!?  and I hesitated to get a third.  They're adorable.

Comment by Jane Christensen on January 4, 2014 at 8:03am

Hi Bev, I am getting everything I can ready incase of a power outage (extra water, blankets etc)! I figure I will stand by the door when the dogs go out into the fenced in area. Luckily I have today to get ready. I did read this AM that this might be the coldest MN has ever seen:( I see that the East Coast is also going to have a mess and they just had several inches of snow. We had freezing rain last night so hopefully that will keep the blowing snow amounts down.

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