So week 2 went off without a hitch... Dash was super awesome uncrated at M's place. She's taking him on runs in the morning before work with a minimal load in his pack. He even made it through a whole day without incident when she couldn't break at lunch as planned!

So far this week, I've started to test out the same routine (minus the break at lunch) for him that M started (with the exception of coming to work with me on Fridays)... so as to transition him better and to try and keep a relatively consistent routine for him. So far Dash is doing great free range in my bedroom as well! No accidents or boredom incidents and he doesn't even rush to the door to go out when I get home after work! He seems to be chilling out pretty well and sleeping/lounging for most of the day. Crazy to think he went to daycare 4 days a week just 2 weeks ago, I might still take him on Thursdays to help drain some of his energy before taking him to work on Fridays. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

I'm thinking about getting an doggy door inset for my sliding balcony door so he can get some fresh air and sun on the balcony if he wants... they're pretty pricey, but I think it'd be pretty swank for him haha! Has anyone had any experience with one of these? The kind that fits into the sliding door track top to bottom next to your existing sliding door.

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Comment by Michael Hong on June 5, 2009 at 4:10pm
haha... i have a wooden planter that's just big enough for dash to lay down on comfortably. a few plants had started to sprout out a few weeks ago, but last week dash jumped onto it and flattened everything! I also have a 12" planter of wheat grass out there that he likes to stick his nose in... i trim it ever so often and mix it in with his food.
Comment by Michael Hong on June 5, 2009 at 11:22am
I would love to be able to put in a regular doggy door, but since dash is a city corgi we don't have a yard for him to go out to... just a small balcony on the 3rd foor of a walkup bilding. Luckily his potty training is great at home so no problems there. He's never tried to do his business on the balcony... just likes chillin' and looking over his territory haha!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 5, 2009 at 11:12am
I should add that, out on that balcony, we put a child's wading pool that we filled partway with soil and some grass seeds. It gives him a little bit of earth and he enjoys burying his treats out there.
Comment by Laura Jones on June 5, 2009 at 10:58am
We had considered getting one of those but instead just installed a regular doggy door. I am sure that either way a doggy door would be fantastic ecspecially now that the weather is nice outside. I love my doggy doors and it helps immensly with potty training, if he maybe has a special spot outside to go while you are at work? Maybe not for you but just a thought.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 4, 2009 at 12:49pm
We set up the doggie door in our upstairs balcony! Sidney gets the upstairs loft to himself when we are out, and with the doggie door he can go out for fresh air. He loves it, in that he gets a great view of the street and can police his property! He hears my car coming up the drive and comes out to the balcony to greet us, unless he was already out sunning himself. The door was not too expensive, around $100 at Home Depot. Really easy to install. The hardest thing was teaching him how to go in and out of it, but after 1/2 hour and a grilled cheese sandwich he figured it out :)
Comment by Mary & Kaycee on June 4, 2009 at 4:07am
When Kaycee moved to NYC from Ohio, she had to adjust to a new environment and a new set of parents in a very short time. I’m sure Dash will be fine under your love and tender care. He is very blessed to have you in his life. We will be praying for you and Dash!

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