The more I am on this site the more i get excited about getting a Pembroke Welsh Corgi for myself! I have to wait until I graduate High School however and that is a whole 3 and 1/2 years away ): I'm glad I am looking into the breed now though so I am fully prepared for all their little quirks. Some people may think I am crazy for already planning 3 years ahead for what kind of dog I want but my dad said that I could get one when I graduate. This is even more exciting for me. I want to be a dog trainer as my career so having a puppy along with going to school for dog training would be ideal. I have Obsessive Corgi Disorder all the way. This site has helped me a ton and everyone is so nice on here I can't believe it. Never underestimate the Corgi community I guess. 

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Comment by Ciara & Macy on February 26, 2012 at 10:51pm
When the time comes I am going to pay for my own corgi so thats what I am doing at the moment, once I get a job I am saving half my paycheck for corgi expenses. I am hoping everything works out though because even after reading all the "so you think you wants a corgi"s an "beware"s I still want a corgi and I think they are the most amazing dogs. I am going to the Detroit dog show this weekend and I hope to talk to a Corgi breeder more about the breed. Thanks(:
Comment by Jane Christensen on February 26, 2012 at 9:50pm

You will have such a great time when you do finally get a Corgi. I have to share my experience with you. I have decided that it's not so much age but also maturity. There are 15 year olds that are much more mature than some 40 year olds:) I recently sold a pup to a young person who had not only did all the homework about Corgis but saved her own money to purchase a Corgi, I was very impressed with this person and her family. This pup will have a great home! May your time go fast!

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