murphy is destorying cords and shoes and my pair of glasses.. and help on how to maybe get him to stop?

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Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on September 9, 2010 at 5:30pm
Rafa just chewed out the stuffing in our breakfast room chair this morning. There were foam pieces all over the floor! He's just been mischievous today and looking to chew on everything but his toys. I finally put him on a very short lead and kept him by my side until he settled down. It's one of those days where I can't take my eye off him for a minute. Ahh puppies!!!
Comment by Sam Tsang on September 9, 2010 at 10:19am
Trade it up, swap it with things that he can chew. Make sure he gets 45 mins of on leash outdoor walking daily, a tired corgi is a well behave corgi.
Comment by Bev Levy on September 9, 2010 at 7:34am
I think the only thing that works is to become super neat at floor level and confine the pup when you are not around. You can wrap electric cords up as much as possible. It is very dangerous to chew them.
Comment by Ella and Lily on September 9, 2010 at 6:20am
I'm guessing he is still young? Ella went through this phase. She ate 2 pairs of oakley's ($200 each), 7 phone chargers ($30 each), a Playstation 3 controller leaving only a single button ($60), 150 ft of LAN Cable leaving only a bit of plastic ($40), 3 pairs of shoes (combined $120), about 1 sqft of carpet, 3 ft of floorboards, bottom of 2 doors, and the blinds (goodbye $600 pet deposit). Total damages = $2210 Try Bitter Apple as that was the only thing I could find that helped. Of course by helped I mean she would just lick it off instead which gave me time to correct her. Other than that it didn't phase her to much. It does work though. I rubbed some on my Basset Hounds gums per the directions and he HATED it. He wouldn't go anywhere near anything that had it on it. As for your furkid, I would suggest investing in Nyla Bones. Get the ones for powerful chewers. If he is a puppy, get the puppy version for powerful chewers. Ella gets one of those and 2 of the stuffless animals a week. The stuffless animals are destroyed in about 3 hours but the Nyla Bone lasts her 5-6 days before it is thrashed. She has learned not to chew on anything else though. When you catch him chewing, substitute the item with the bone by telling him to 'drop it' or 'leave it' before you take it away.
Comment by christy fry on September 9, 2010 at 1:16am
I've never had a terrible chewer before but Teagen has gotten a few things. She chewed up my perscription glasses right after I had gotten them...I found a website called ZENNI OPTICAL and bought a pair of glasses from them. I was a little nervous about it but they are great!!!! They only cost me 34.00 dollars and my ruined ones cost me 200.00 dollars after insurance(It still seems to good to be true) I even went back and bought a second pair and sunglasse's. Sorry I don't have any advice about the chewing but hopefully this can take the sticker shock out of it a little =)

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