well today I'm heading out to get a new collasr for my 10 week old permbroke welsh corgi. She is almost out grown her med (walmart) collar. I'm not sure if I should just get a large and make it as small as I can and let her grow into it. She is growming so much not that so little puppy.

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Comment by Becky S on May 31, 2011 at 1:40pm
I learned with Brody, after buying what seemed to be a new collar every few weeks.  For Lilly I got a larger one, added a couple of extra holes and sewed a little velcro to the end and the collar to keep the end from flapping around.  I adjusted it as she grew and waited til she was full grown to get her a big girl collar.
Comment by Ellen Andersen on May 29, 2011 at 9:29pm

Here's the link to the Lupine stuff.  You can get them online from them, from online pet supply places, or in some stores and vets offices.  They even wash well.  http://www.lupinepet.com/

Comment by Ellen Andersen on May 29, 2011 at 9:27pm
I absolutely love the Lupine collars...very well made, guaranteed for life, in all sorts of great patterns and colors.  They have leashes to match, too.  They're not too expensive so you could get another as she gets to adulthood, if needed.
Comment by paul j on May 29, 2011 at 7:29pm
I got a medium collar by Kong at petsmart. good quality, with a quick release buckle(great for the dog park and quick removal)  I have it at 1" or so from the smallest setting and have atleast another 5" to grow.  but then again he is 7 months old and just about done growing.But then again at 10 weeks you might just wanna get another inexpensive collar for a few more months.
Comment by Sam Tsang on May 29, 2011 at 7:09pm
Hi Shelley, most full grown corgis wears a small / medium size collar, you should get one that fits her with 2 fingers gaps, make sure you re-adjust the length as she grows.

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