My ten week old little corgi loves to cuddle. If she cant be on my lap, or chest. she lays on the floor next to me. I'm going to miss this when she gets older because I have heard this is just a puppy thing and adult corgi's dont like to cuddle anymore. If this is the case I'm going to miss the puppy stage.

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Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on May 30, 2011 at 3:01pm
thats not entirely true:) teddy is my cuddle bug, thats all he wants to do if i sit/lay down. he loves to take naps with me all the time, heck hes more cuddly than my husband LOL there is a pic on my page where i am laying on the couch and he is all snuggled up on my chest, mind u he is 32pounds but i didnt care. we both enjoy it:)
Comment by Becky S on May 27, 2011 at 4:34pm
Same here, Brody will occasionally cuddle (usually in the winter when we all snuggle in to stay warm) Lilly has to have her daily dose of cuddles.  Sometimes I have both of them on my lap for cuddles!
Comment by Bev Levy on May 26, 2011 at 7:34am
Izzy has been a cuddler from day one and she is 4 and still loves laps. Sparty has never been much of a snuggle bunny but when he was a puppy I held him anyway so as an adult he occasionally wants to be on my lap.
Comment by Jane Christensen on May 25, 2011 at 11:39pm
  Mine still love to cuddle as adults!
Comment by Carolyn and Gracie on May 25, 2011 at 11:16pm
I think Gracie cuddles more now than she did as a puppy, but only when she wants to of course. She was a squirmy puppy! Silly me used to try to give her a kiss only to have her head spin round and crack me in the nose with her teeth.

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