Conclusion - last sad thing for a bit, hopefully.

I got back Gabriel's autopsy results yesterday. The diagnosis was a sudden internal bacterial infection that went instantly septic. The vets talked to me for a while - there's no way they'll ever really know where it was or began. It could have been something as minor as a tiny cut in his mouth that just healed up instantly but trapped a pocket of bacteria and it spread through his bloodstream to his heart and internal organs. They honestly don't think there's anything anyone could have done, by the time he showed any symptom, it had hit so fast and so quick, and no fever, minimal elevated white blood cell count, minimal kidney/liver raised levels. I guess the only thing to compare it to is like Toxic Shock Syndrome, at least that's what the vet offered.

Seriously, we'd run four miles on Sunday afternoon together, and he gobbled dinner Tuesday night, as usual. I guess people die of this too - but man, you'd think in this day and age of so much technology, things like this just don't happen.

It was not Lepto or anything else dangerous that could have spread to anyone else's dogs - so that makes me feel a whole lot better about the rest of the dogs, myself, the cats, and of course, all the customers at the shop, since he was with me all the time... and of course for Simon, since he was the one I was most worried about since him and Gabe were tagging along together all the time, and he's so little. Well, not so little, but you know what I mean.

Simon's really sad though. He misses his buddy as much as I do. There were some last pictures I had on the camera of the two of them snuggled up in the basket together - I just am having a hard time moving to the computer them just yet. I'll do it at some point - I'm just not ready to be so final, I guess.

Thank you guys, all of you, for all the support and the concern. It meant the world to me.

On a cheerier note, Simon learned something funny yesterday. Do you know if you get a running start from the kitchen, you can motor your way down the hall and do a cannonball belly flop on my bed?

I didn't know it either, but apparently, that's pretty fun. ;)

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Comment by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 28, 2009 at 1:17pm
That is just too wierd! Like Riley he died of a rare thing! I am soo sorry! It's so sad that our animal friends bring us so much happiness and then when they go leave us heart broken. Just remember that you should never hold back, if you are sad be sad. If you want to cry, then cry! Don't hold it in. Let it out and know that with time the pain will ease but it never fully goes away. I still get tears in my eyes when I think of Riley, Having other pets does help get your mind off things. Again I am so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing the information and hopefully no other animals have to get this rare bacteria and maybe one day there can be a cure! That is what I wish for!
Comment by Angela on February 25, 2009 at 7:34pm
Very sad for your loss, remember the good and happy times
Comment by Gus's Dad on February 25, 2009 at 6:55pm
Thanks for letting us know know what happened. I'm very sorry about Gabriel but I'm glad that it's not something that will spread to your other dogs.
Comment by Sondra on February 25, 2009 at 5:55pm
Oh, Corie and I are so sorry for your loss...your in our thoughts and prayers.
Comment by Krysten Thompson on February 25, 2009 at 5:36pm
I'm sorry for your loss!

My first corgi (Loki) died of the same infection. Except her's started when a pup died in utero and when she went into labor, all the toxins were released into her bloodstream.

Just remember all the great time's you've had together!
Comment by Alice on February 25, 2009 at 4:49pm
That's so sad and I feel for you. At least the vet was able to tell you what happened so you don't have to keep wondering. I bet Simon learned the bed diving trick just to make you smile. :)
Comment by Marion and Vern on February 25, 2009 at 4:31pm
Thank you for the update. Thank goodness it was not something that could have spread. Your in our thoughts.
Comment by Chelsea on February 25, 2009 at 3:57pm
I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how it feels to lose an animal so close to you, just had to have my Buster put to sleep in December. You never forget them and they hold a huge place in your heart! Best of luck with Simon and the others, the belly flop thing does sound funny, hopefully Ludo doesnt figure that one out or we'll never get any rest! lol
Comment by Patti on February 25, 2009 at 3:48pm
you have my deepest sympathies - I'm sorry for your and Simon's loss. I'm not sure that any words could possibly make a difference right now, but please know that we hope you are better soon.
Comment by LORRAINE on February 25, 2009 at 2:50pm
So so sorry , i guess nothing that is said at this time will make you feel any better but just to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you , Simon and the rest of your family

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