my corgi just chased one of our chickens, i was calling his name and it was like he had gone deaf.   i am very frustrated.  he bolted out the door. i dont know what to do, i want to keep him and our other animals safe.  

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Comment by Angela mcneal on September 14, 2016 at 6:50pm

Frances so true, he went nuts and they were flapping and clucking! lol

Comment by Frances P Moloney on September 14, 2016 at 11:56am

Don't blame the poor Corgi. His most basic instinct is to herd & when he started to "herd" those chicken, they probably just fussed up a storm & got him all excited.Dang chucks!

Comment by Jane Christensen on September 12, 2016 at 8:55pm

I agree with Bev but also have had rescues and free range chickens and have lost about 3 (one with each new dog/rescue). Will reply more tomorrow.

Comment by Bev Levy on September 12, 2016 at 8:37pm

If I remember correctly you have not had him very long. Chasing a chicken would be a powerful temptation and calling him off it without having trained an excellant recal would be impossible. Practice recalls with a long line like a clothes line and great treats. When he is good at that you could try it with the chickens. Until he has a chance to learn it is a no no I would keep him leashed around the chickens. Chasing is a self rewarding activity so you have to make sure he can't do it.

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