I saw
this article and it about broke my heart.
If you don't feel like clicking, here's the scoop;
In Nevada, a four year old Corgi named Big Bear went out in the morning for a potty and to play with the neighbors dogs. Some time later he returned home gravely injured with puncture wounds around his neck. They estimate he dragged himself an eighth of a mile home after, presumably, escaping a mountain lion.
Lets remember all the brave corgis who lose their lives doing their duty; being bold, curious and courageous.
The article posts these guidelines for keeping yourself and pets safe;
"• Keep pets secure either inside or in an enclosed pen.
Mountain lions tend to hunt at dawn and dusk.
• Do not leave pet food outside — it can attract mountain lion prey such as raccoons.
• Keep children close, especially at dawn and dusk.
• Do not approach mountain lions.
• Do not run from mountain lions. Running stimulates a lion’s instinct to chase.
• Appear larger than the animal. Raise arms, throw stones and branches.
• Fight back if attacked. Don’t act like prey.
• Never hike alone.
Source: Kyle Orr, California Department of Fish and Game"

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