The scene: A shady bosque in the backyard, where the Human is taking its morning coffee and the Corgis are doing whatever dogs do in backyards.

Ruby (having discovered the irrigation water pools up under one plant and makes a grand muddy puddle): SPLASH FROLIC SPLASH SPLAT WALLOW SPLASH SPLATTER....RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN SPLASHITA RUN SPLASH RUN RUN RUN....

Human (having just paid Wonder-Cleaning Lady to shovel out the incredible mess in the house, yesterday): Okay, you guys are staying out here until you dry off.

Human gets up and closes the screen on the sliding door. It then walks the two steps back to its rocking chair. Before it can sit down...

Cassie: Z-z-z--i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-p...

Human: Eeek! Oh NO!

Ruby shoots in the door that Cassie has opened with one paw and frolics muddily across the dining-room tile.

Cassie grins. Human sighs.

Is there any further question about corgi intelligence now?

Views: 151


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Comment by Judith Andre on July 10, 2015 at 2:06am

Love your posts Vicki.  Are you a professional writer?  Silly Corgis.  Life would be so boring without them.

Comment by Stephanie on July 9, 2015 at 12:37am

Very funny, indeed..........

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