Scooby, an adorable Corgi, finds himself in need of a new home. His human companion had to come out of retirement and return to work as a long-distance trucker driver. She is now gone most of the time and Scooby has to stay behind. Their neighbors, Carl and Leira, have been dog-sitting with Scooby, but that isn’t really a good fit. Carl and Leira have a Jack Russell terrier who will not allow Scooby indoors, so this once indoor dweller is banished to the backyard. Scooby gets love, but not the life he once knew or desires.

After over a year of this situation, all parties realize needs Scooby a permanent new home.

Scooby is:

A neutered male

A very small Corgi

He is in excellent health according to his vet

Approximately 16 years old

Currently lives in Santa Rosa

If you or anyone you know would like to meet Scooby and see if he can become a part of your life, please contact Carl at 707-326-9788 or

Thank you for helping Scooby find a new home.

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Comment by Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups) on May 27, 2011 at 2:23pm

I agree with Sondra.My Dad drove long distance trucks during part of the year and He always took Our Gordon Setter with Him?Our corgi stayed home wuth Us girls.He always said the dog was a good sound alarm to let Him know about anybody getting close to his truck etc.I just feel so bad for an elderly dog that has to try and cope with

the kind of situation Scooby is dealling with :(


Comment by Sondra on May 27, 2011 at 1:56pm
I do not know why she is not able to take him with her :-(
Comment by Sondra on May 27, 2011 at 1:53pm
I would have 'em all if I could.. this was sent to me by one of the rescues.... :-)
Comment by Solomon & Naomi's Page on May 27, 2011 at 1:51pm

My husband and I use to be long distance truck drivers and we carried our pets with us.  Yea we had to put them up in the truck with us, but they did all the normal things that animals do when they are at home.  Why could she not take Scooby with her?

Comment by Jane Christensen on May 27, 2011 at 1:48pm
Oh yes, I agree. My hubby already thinks I do try to save them all..hehe! You might also want to post on some of the groups and don't give could take a bit. Is there a rescue around there you could contact???
Comment by Sondra on May 27, 2011 at 1:43pm
I wish we could save them all !!
Comment by Jane Christensen on May 27, 2011 at 1:40pm
Oh...poor boy! May he find a wonderful new family!!!!!!

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