They look so cute when illustrated!!

I have 3 webcomics to show y'all (two are by the same person)
Girly is a weird adventure comic (with occasional mature content) featuring a girl and her "sidekick". There is a corgi who wears glasses who lives in their town. He is very fast!
The Puppy Club has several puppies who represent their nationality (the corgi is Welsh and named Cyril) In "The Pilot" the other puppies are sure his tail has been stolen and they try to retrieve it from the evil forces. Then, hamburgers!
(I posted this in the forum)
Xylia Tales is a fantasy comic which features a Corgi named Livy who lives with the faeries and has remained with the main character to try to help him figure out his destiny. She can turn huge when he needs to fight and can use telepathy.
There is a
really cute shirt of her which says
"Never Underestimate Me... Or My Bunny Butt!"
To make things easy, I put all the links featuring the Corgis here (except for The Puppy Club, he's in almost all of them, and its a short series)
# [60] Nickel is Fearless
# [64] Mind Games
# [267] Oh dear! + the next one
# [276] The Dog Chase + the next one
# [291] Which Way!? + the next 3
# [594] We're Late! + the next 5
# [660] Scintillating
(I did all this last night much prettier, but when I submitted it, the site was down for maintenance and I lost it all =(
Here and the next 3 pages:
Here and the next 14 pages:
link (Livy starts talking in this chapter! I love her attitude)
Here and the next 8 pages:
Here and the next 6 pages:
jump forward 200 days
Here for 2 pages:
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