Ok. So I have a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He is 12 weeks old. And we have been giving him 1/4 cup of food 3 times a day. He seems to still be hungry when he finishes his food. Should we give him more food or maybe the same amount but 4 or 5 times a day? Also, his ears are beginning to stand up. I have noticed that it is time to clean his ears. What is the best way to this without hurting him? Thank you for your help!!!


Matt, Ariana, and Caspien

Views: 30


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Comment by Matthew Donaldson on June 19, 2011 at 9:09pm
Thanks everyone for the advice. We will start feeding him more. He is gonna love his next meal!!
Comment by Stephanie on June 18, 2011 at 7:19pm

Best way to clean your corgi's ears?  Get a second corgi - they keep each other cleaned up!


And it's a great reason to get a second corgi!

Comment by Jane on June 18, 2011 at 12:51pm

I agree with what others said, give him at least 1.5 cups of food a day.


When Henry was little he always had dirty ears so I bought these:


He seemed to grow out of it though, I haven't cleaned his ears in a looong time.

Comment by Donna and Lilly on June 18, 2011 at 12:21pm
I gave Lilly about a half cup about3 times a day.  I also graduated from Puppy Chow to Canidae, which is an all stages food, as I have 4 dogs all different ages.  For the past 5 or 6 months, I have been giving them sardines as well.  The omega 3s are good for the coat, and they love it! Although it does make the hair a bit bushier on the corgis!
Comment by Julia on June 18, 2011 at 2:30am

I don't think I've ever cleaned my corgi's ears. Since they stand up they gets lots of air circulation and stay very dry. But I have, many, many, many times cleaned the Springer Spaniel ears, on every Springer Spaniel I've known. They have droopy ears, and have a tendency to jump into water. So here's how I do it for them.

First use a commercial ear cleaning fluid, something with trizultra plus keto in it. Pour the cleaner into the ear canal, then close the canal from the outside, with your fingers on the furry side of the face. With your fingers there, not on the external ears, massage the fluid in the ear canal for a few seconds. It will make funny noises, so be gentle. Then, using cotton balls, gently wipe out the fluid and gunk from inside the ear canal. You will have to dig in there a bit if there is a lot of gunk, such as from an inflammation or infection. Then you release the puppy, letting him run around rubbing his face on the rug and furniture to get that yucky stuff off of him! Next comes the cookie!

Comment by John Wolff on June 18, 2011 at 2:10am
Is it possible to over-feed a puppy?
Adults must have their caloric intake strictly limited, ideally by a clinical sociopath immune to large brown eyes. But I'd thought that puppies just can't swallow the stuff fast enough.
Comment by Jane Christensen on June 17, 2011 at 11:51pm
Yes, I agree with Beth.
Comment by Beth on June 17, 2011 at 11:40pm
Three times a day is fine, but he should probably be getting a total of about a cup and a half of food a day.  I'd give him half a cup, 3x a day and see how he does with that.   I think that he's probably getting about half the food he needs with what you are feeding him.   Puppies eat MORE than adults, and my adults get about a cup a day total.

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