I am some what new to the whole cardigan show thing. I do not show dogs or do any agility or herding training though I would like to start with basic training with Le-Le. I went to a local dog show recently and heard about the National in Gettysburg which is at the end of April. I put it on my calender and can not wait to go see all the great dogs. On the first weekend there is a herding dog competition in Birdsboro, PA which is so much closer for me than Gettysburg. So I am heading there for Saturday and Sunday events. Then to gettysburg during the week. For all who like to antique New Oxford which is close to Gettysburg is one of The BEST places in PA to antique. So my husband gets the promise to go there if we go to the dog show. Hope to see some 'mycorgi' friends sometime during the week. Here's the link for more info.

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Comment by Joanna Kimball on February 25, 2010 at 4:29pm
Wow, you're starting off right! I hope you have a wonderful time. If I can swing it I'll be there, but right now money is (very) tight. But if I'm heading down there I'll let you know and be happy to show you around as much as I can.

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