Dear Readers

Today Daisy met our vet, Aunt Gail. Momma has taken her kids to Aunt Gail for several decades--she is good to us an' gives us cookies when we are done being zamined.

As I think I told you, Miss Daisy has dry eye. It is a terrible condition that we will need to be treating every day for the rest of her life. Momma was worried dat Daisy's eye was needing more care an' evaluation, so off went Daisy. Daisy tol' me that she didn't mind the vet's as much as she thought she would. Everyone was nice to her an' no dogs barked at her and the cat didn't hiss . . . so that was all good.

Miss Daisy has a bad left eye . . . it is about as dry az an eye can gets. So Daisy will have more fwequent applicashuns of her drops and have better artifishell tearz to keep her eye moist. Den in 2 weeks, Momma iz taking Daisy to see an eye specialist vet so we will have a really good idea az to what we face wiff Daisy. Momma wantz to keep Daisy's eyes working for her whole lifetime if possible. I hopes we can do dat.

Poor Daisy said dat Aunt Gail also did something unpleasant to her rear end involving underneath her tail. It sounds weally unpwesant, but Momma an' Aunt Gail agweed dat Daisy did not smell fresh as a Daisy, so dat waz dat. I hopes Daisy cans still sit down an' not have her back side hurt. She also gotted some perfume spway back der, but I can not see az it made much of a diffrens. Humans are so weird sometimez . . . well, maybe most timez.

Daisy is tuckered out from de twip an' iz snoozing in her nest. She ates a good meal, an' I gots in twubble becaws I sneaked into Daisy's nest an' eated some of her foodz. Dat waz bad uv me, but sometymes I forgets my mannerz an' acts in what Momma callz an oppurtunistik way. I iz ashamed of myselfs. I vow to do better next meal . . . maybe.

Daisy likes it here. She iz polite and says pwease an' thanks you. She smilez some now and ated her meals today in fronts of Momma. Now we just has to get her eye in gooder shape an' help her to see well for az long az pawsible.

It iz now sometime after supper an' I needz a nap or I will not be able to do my evening guarding of Momma.


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Comment by Christiane on April 24, 2009 at 12:04am
Glad to learn that you like your vet! Teggie met hers yesterday, and they like each other a lot! She didn't really mind the hind end poke, which shocked us. You take good care of Daisy, Skeezix!

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