Dear Readers

Two-day Momma gotted out her blinkie thingie that hurts my eyez sometymez, whitch she sayz iz for kapturing the moment. But I livez in da moment, likes all animalz, so why shoulds I wants to kapture it when I is already in it??? Humans are so stwange much of da tyme.

So we captured lotz of momentz twoday. Akshully it waz fun. Daisy liked to have her pikchur taken, but I'm not sure where Momma taked it to. I just knows it iz in dat funny flashie/blinkie box of hers an' den she said she putted the foe-toes on our corgee page. That iz kool, but I don't haz tyme to seez dem dere; I am too buzy fussing over my new sissy.

I am alwedy sure dat Daisy will be a gweat sissy for me. I haz showed her some more smells, a few twees dat I leave my business cardz at, an' da fwog pond . . . an' a fwog even jumped for Daisy . . . an' it didn't skare Daisy. Dat iz a good thing. An' den we wents to da chiken coop to do the chorez der an' Daisy liked it, az I hads tole her she would. Espeshully da smellz. Chickens haz somes smells, dat is for certain.

Daisy iz vewy fearful ov many thingz, so I tries to show her how it really iz here: not skarwy at all. She loves to lie on her binkie and snooze. Dat is good, I am thinking. An' today when Momma foldeds da lawndry Daisy an' I bofe sats on da sofa wif her. Daisy fell asleep again, but she wasn't afraids ov bein' on da sofa. An' dat is good, too, I am thinking.

I iz doing a lots of thinking lately! Dat is good--I don't think, I knows it iz. Momma iz a thinker, an' if it works for her, it will works for me too.

Daisy has dwy eye in her left one and it makes it not good for her eye to be dat way. Momma must put dwops in twict a day and something called "tearz" in der a couple timez a day too. We have pwomised Daisy dat we will never forgets her eye medicine az long az she lives. We are gwateful to CorgiAid for helping Daisy gets bettered up when she was resqued--she was bad sik. We wants her eye to see an' we don't knows if it doz vewy much. Dat makes us sad again. Momma iz going to take Daisy to da eye speshulist vet in Winston after Daisy settles in a wittle more.

We wants the vewy best for our girl.

An' Angel Miss Emily iz looking down on Daisy an' sayin', "See, I tolds you God saids dat you would be in a good pwace . . . an' you haz been in many other good pwaces since you were reskewed by the good people. You hads speshul care in Atlanta; den you gots help from CorgeeeAyd an' den hads a wonderful fawster fambly. An' now you are at my forever home wif Momma an' Skeezix an' all da west ov da kritterz. You will alwayz be safe dere . . . an' I will be looking down on you and ebrybody else fwom up here, cuz your home iz still my forever home too . . . for alwayz."

Here, Dear Readers, here iz a pikchur ov our new, dear girl (Momma putted more in the foe-toe pwace on our page):

Good nights evwyone. Sleeps tights. An' watch out for doze bugs!!! Twy Frontline; it workz for us.
Skeezix, one tired puppy

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Comment by Christiane on April 24, 2009 at 9:16pm
Awww, so good that Daisy isn't afraid of the frogs, perhaps because she has such a brave brother to protect her!
Christiane & Teggie the Corgi
Comment by Nicola Porter on April 21, 2009 at 5:46pm

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