Emmy got spayed today. I went to a really nice vet that let me take her home the day of. My heart is broken for my little baby. She just seems so miserable. I'm trying not to feel sorry for her because I know she can feel my emotions, but I can't help it. She is moving so slowly. Her mouth is so dry but she won't drink. She just wants to lay on the floor. I don't know if she's hurting because she doesn't cry. I just want to help her, but I don't know what to do. I am hoping she bounces back tomorrow. I know it was the right thing to do, but I keep thinking that I did it selfishly for my convenience. I know that's not the case, but I can't stop thinking that. I know she will bounce back, but I'm just so ready for next Wednesday to come so she can get those stitches out of her! 

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Comment by Beth on October 4, 2011 at 12:04pm

I think for spays they usually give morphine for pain, so she's just very out of it when you bring her home.  Poor Maddie was almost 5 when she got spayed (retired show dog) and she was so sore for a few days.  I had to coax her to go out to potty and she wouldn't even go out for my husband.   But after about 3 days I had trouble keeping her quiet, she was so ready to go (even though she'd still stare at her flank if she moved too fast, wondering what was hurting her).   After about 5 days she was hitting the end of her leash so even short walks were a problem, and she had to be penned for almost the whole two weeks.


Moral is, in a few days she won't even remember it happened, and while neutering males is mostly done for birth control/behavior modification, spaying females is primarily for their own health and the right thing to do.

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on October 4, 2011 at 11:26am

I feel for you, as my Ellie went through her spay a couple of weeks ago.  She's probably be quiet for a few days and then you'll start to see her come back to her usual self.  :)


As a side note, I was quite glad when I found out that my Vet's office keeps pets for at least 24 hours after a surgery.  As much as I miss my little furballs, it makes me feel better knowing that they are right where they need to be should anything go wrong.  And it also keeps me from feeling so horrible when I see them so sleepy and droopy right after the surgery.

Comment by Jane on October 4, 2011 at 10:14am
She'll be okay. Henry was a cryptorchid and had to have a big incision on his abdomen along with the regular neuter, and when I brought him home he cried all afternoon. I felt SO awful. He was much better by the next day though. I think the anesthesia makes them feel weird afterwards sometimes which is why they don't seem to act like themselves.
Comment by CorGeek on October 4, 2011 at 9:17am

Try not to worry. They're always a little dopey after surgery. (This is Oliver after his neutering [bilateral cryptorchid] and the only time in his life that he didn't want to play fetch.) The best thing you can do is let her sleep it off. And keep an eye on her like Doug said. :)

Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on October 4, 2011 at 12:19am
I really think the process is harder on us than them.  Heed the instructions of the vet, watch for excessive redness, swelling, etc. Don't let her lick the incision. Use the dreaded Cone of Shame if necessary.  Call the vet if you're not sure.  I'm sure Emmy will bounce back and be herself in short order.  The vast majority of our short little friends come through just fine.

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